
第18章 老外最想参观的城市风景(3)




An ancestral hall or lineage temple is a site of ancestor worship in Chinese culture. Ancestral halls are closely linked to Confucian culture and the emphasis that it places on filial piety.

A common central feature of the ancestral halls is the ancestral tablets that embody the ancestral spirits. The ancestral tablets are typically arranged by seniority of the ancestors. Altars and other ritual objects such as incense burners are also common fixtures.

The halls are used for collective rituals and festivals in honor of the ancestors but also for other family- and community-related functions such as weddings and funerals. Sometimes, they serve wider community functions such as meetings and local elections.


Baiyun Mountain

Introduction 简介

Baiyun Mountain refers to the mountain range located 15 km north of downtown Guangzhou and made up of about 30 peaks, with an area of 28 square kilometers. It is located at the southern end of the Dayu Mountains, which themselves are part of Nanling Mountains. Its highest peak, Moxing Ridge is 382 m high and is also called the “First Peak under the Southern Sky”.


The name of the mountain derives from the view of peaks shrouded by white clouds in late Spring or when the sky clears after rain. Baiyun Mountain has been a scenic spot since ancient times. The fame of the mountain dates back before the city of Guangzhou was established, when it was occasionally visited by celebrities of as early as the Warring States Period (476 BC–221 BC). It had become known for its beauty in Jin Dynasty (265–420) and reputed as a tourist attraction in Tang Dynasty (618–897).


Numerous scenes on Baiyun Mountain have been named in the Eight Sights of Guangzhou of various eras since the Song Dynasty (960–1279).Over the course of history, Baiyun Mountain has earned the titles of “Top Beauty of Guangzhou” and “First Mountain of Lingnan”. Historically, Baiyun Mountain had an abundance of scenic spots and historical sites, but few of them have survived till modern days.

白云山风景秀丽、景点众多,自宋代以来就被誉为“羊城八景”之一。在历史长河中更有“羊城第一秀”和 “岭南第一名山”的赞誉。千百年来,白云山名胜古迹虽多,但屡经兴废遗存很少,

Virescence covers over 95% of the area of Baiyun Mountain, enabling it to absorb 2800 t of carbon dioxide and release 2100 t of oxygen each day. Therefore, Baiyun Mountain is regarded as the “Lung of the City” .
