
第38章 兴趣及休闲生活(2)

What kind of sports do usually do?


Well, I like to do aerobic exercise.


What is aerobic exercise?


Running, walking, jogging, and swimming are some kinds of aerobic exercise.


Why are they called aerobic exercise?


They make your muscles use oxygen faster than usual. They also make your heart and lungs work harder to supply your muscles with oxygen.


I see.How do you feel after doing these exercise?


Well, it makes me feel energetic, and the most important thing is that it makes me feel good.


What else do you do?


Play football, table tennis, basketball and so on.


Wow! That sounds great. How often do you play football?


I try to do it at least once a week. The key to do exercise is to do it regularly.


I agree with you.


Well, what’s your favorite type of exercise?


Sleeping, I guess.


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我最喜欢足球。 I like football best. Football is my favorite sport.

我经常运动,因此我身体强壮。 I often take exercise, so I’m strong. I take exercise regularly, and consequently I am vigorous.

整天坐在办公室,我需要更多运动。 As I’m sitting in the office all day, I need more exercise. Sitting in the office all day,I need more exercise.

有规律的锻炼对健康有好处。 Regular exercise is good for health. Regular exercise is beneficial to health.

比赛中合作最重要。 The most important thing in a match is cooperation. Cooperation is the key in a match.

我想加入比赛。 I want to join in the game. I would like to participate in the game.

在新鲜空气里做长时间的散步对健康颇有益处。 Long walks in fresh air are good for health. Long walks in fresh air are conducive to good health.

我每天骑车。 I do some cycling every day. I go cycling every day.

你看上去状态很好。 You look well. You look in a perfect condition.

天气允许的话我们就去踢足球。 If weather permits, we shall go and play football. Weather permitting, we shall go to play football.

他打得很有自信。 He played confidently.

He played in a confident way/with confidence.

无论何时我都喜欢运动。 No matter when it is, I like sports. Whenever it is, I love sports.

你和谁一起运动的? Who did you play with? Whom did you play with?

这是我打网球的地方。 This is the place where I played tennis. This is the place in which I played tennis.

如果我是你我会选足球。 If I were you, I would choose football. If I were you, I would select football.


1. exercise [‘eks?saiz] n. 运动,锻炼;练习,体操;训练;练习题;操练,演习;活动,任务 v. 运动,锻炼

【例句】You don’t get much exercise sitting at a desk all day like this.


2. regular [‘reɡjul?] adj. 有规律的,规则的;定期的,固定的;频繁的,经常的

【例句】I really miss the security of a regular pay cheque.


3. energy [’en?d?i] n. 力量,活力;能量,能源

【例句】The task will take an enormous amount of time and energy.


4. key [ki:] adj. 极为重要的,关键的;n. 钥匙;关键;(乐器/机器)键;(音乐的)调,主音

【例句】Concentration is the key to effective study.


5. fitness [‘fitnis] n. 健壮,健康;(程度)适合,适当

【例句】She’s following an exercise programme to improve her fitness.



Beauty is the first present nature gives to women and the first it takes away.

——Fay Weldon



A woman has to be intelligent, have charm, a sense of humor, and be kind. It’s the same qualities I require from a man.

——Catherine Deneuve



I met in the street a very poor young man who was in love. His hat was old, his coat worn, his cloak was out at the elbows, the water passed through his shoes, and the stars through his soul.

——Victor Hugo



All women’s issues are to some degree men’s issues and all men’s issues are to some degree women’s issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose.

——Warren Farrell



A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction.

——Oscar Wilde



Love is a reciprocal torture.

——Marcel Proust



Fashion is nothing but an induced epidemic.

——George Bernard Shaw



Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.

——Joseph Conrad


—— 约瑟夫·康拉德

Lesson 45 电影及音乐


Who is your favourite movie/singing star? 谁是你最喜欢的影星/歌星?

What’s your favourite movie? 你最喜欢的电影是什么?

Let’s go to the cinema. 我们去电影院吧。