
第81章 University of Delaware: Knowledge is the light of



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The University of Delaware (UD) is the largest university in the U.S. state of Delaware. The school from which the university grew was founded in 1743, making it one of the oldest in the nation. However, the University of Delaware was not chartered as an institution of higher learning until 1833.The main campus is located in Newark, with satellite campuses in Dover, Wilmington, Lewes and Georgetown. The student body at the University of Delaware is largely an undergraduate population. The University offers over 135 undergraduate degrees and, due to the number of academic options, many students complete dual degrees as well as double majors and minors. The top ranking programs are in engineering, physical therapy, education, business, city management, mathematics and public affairs.

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System:The university is organized into seven colleges: College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, College of Arts and Sciences, Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics, College of Earth, Ocean and Environment, College of Education and Human Development, College of Engineering, College of Health Sciences. There are also three schools, School of Education (part of the College of Education & Human Development), School of Marine Science and Policy (part of the College of Earth, Ocean & Environment) , School of Public Policy and Administration(part of the College of Arts&Sciences).


physical therapy n. 物理治疗法

public affairs 公共事务


特拉华大学从一个小型的私立学院发展成为著名大学,获州政府资助,成立于1743年。除了主校区以外,特拉华大学在多佛、威尔明顿、刘易斯和乔治敦还有四个校区。特拉华大学是"最安全"的校园之一,曾荣获"校园安全奖"。 该校努力营造一种氛围,鼓励学生去学习,发挥每个人的创造力、鼓励大家运用辩证思维去看待事物。





We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves.


If you"re walking down the right path and you"re willing to keep walking, eventually you"ll make progress.
