
第42章 University of Münster: Change today, shape tomorro



The University of Münster (German: Westf.lische Wilhelms-Universit.t Münster, WWU) is a public university located in the city of Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. The University has its roots in the Jesuiten-Kolleg Münster, founded in 1588. But the modern University of Münster was founded in 1780 with four faculties: Law, Health Science (Medicine), Philosophy and Theology. Today it becomes Germany"s third largest university and one of the foremost centers of German intellectual life. The university offers a wide range of units (e.g. Business, Geography, IT, Mathematics and many more) and several courses in English (e.g. PhD/Doctorate, Masters in Geoinformatics, Geospational Technologies or Information Systems). It targets top-level research in high-performance areas for and combines this with promoting first-class young researchers. At the same time, by ensuring that broad research can be carried out it creates a secure basis on which excellence can thrive.

System: Faculty of Protestant Theology, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics (Muenster School of Business Administration and Economics), Faculty of Health Science (Medicine and Dental Medicine), Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Educational and Social Science, Faculty of Psychology and Sport Science, Faculty of History/Philosophy, Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Earth Science, Faculty of Music.

City show: Münster is a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Münster is a multi-faceted city. It is a city of science and learning, the City of Westphalian Peace, the capital city of bicycles and Germany’s Climate Protection Capital. As an academic and cultural city, Münster offers a wide variety of museums, theatres and events. Its main sights include St. Paul"s Cathedral (built in the 13th century in a mixture of late Romanesque and early Gothic styles); The Prinzipalmarkt (the marketplace in the city centre with the Gothic town hall); St. Lambert"s Church (1375, with three cages hanging from its tower above the clock face); The Schloss (palace, administrative centre and the symbol of the university); etc.


foremost [.f.:m..st] a. 最重要的;最先的

high-performance [hai p..f.:m.ns] a. 高性能的;高效能的

thrive [θra.v] vi. 繁荣;兴旺

multi-faceted [m.l.t.f..s.t.d] a. 多方面的;多才多艺的


明斯特大学位于德国北莱茵-威斯特法伦州明斯特市,是一所著名的公立大学。明斯特大学始建于1631年,但因为缺少资金,直到150年以后才开使授课。1818年,因为信天主教的威斯特法伦人反对普鲁士人的教育改革,明斯特大学再次失去其合法地位。1902年从皇帝威廉二世 (德国)得到了它如今的名字:明斯特威斯特法伦威廉大学。上世纪初叶,明斯特大学开始进入兴旺时期,但不久又因突然爆发二战而中断。直到1945年以后,明斯特大学才开始发展到现今规模,成为德国最令人向往的学习地之一。

明斯特大学设有以下学院:新教神学院,天主教神学院, 法律学院,经济学院, 医学学院, 哲学学院,教育和社会科学院, 心理学和体育学院,历史和哲学院,此外还设有数学和计算机科学院,物理学院, 化学和药学院,生物学院,地球科学院和音乐学院。其中神学、经济学和法律专业在德国名列前茅。

明斯特是德国北莱茵-威斯特法伦州北部的一座集古典建筑艺术和自然田园风光于一体的美丽古城。 明斯特大教堂是旅游者必游之处。除大教堂外,明斯特还有兰贝梯教堂、圣母教堂等多处教堂。明斯特还以她的圣诞集市而著名。明斯特是德国自行车最多的城市,被称为自行车城。


Vain glory blossoms but never bears.


Anger is the wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.
