
第80章 Free University of Brussels: Conquering darkness w



The Free University of Brussels(Université Libre de Bruxelles ,ULB) is a Flemish university in Brussels, Belgium. In 1834, the Belgian episcopate decided to establish a Catholic university in Mechelen with the aim of regaining the influence of the Catholic Church on the academic scene in Belgium, and the Belgian government had the intent to close the state university at Leuven and donate the buildings to the Catholic institution. After sufficient funding was collected among advocates, the Université Libre de Bruxelles was inaugurated on 20 November 1834, in the Gothic room of the city hall of Brussels. In the nineteenth century, courses at the Université Libre de Bruxelles were taught exclusively in French, the language of the upper class in Belgium at that time. However, with the Dutch-speaking population asking for more rights in Belgium, some courses were already taught in Dutch at the Faculty of Law as early as 1935. Nevertheless, it was not until 1963 that all faculties offered their courses in Dutch. On 1 October 1969, the university was finally split in two sister institutions: the French-speaking Université Libre de Bruxelles and the Dutch-speaking Vrije Universiteit Brussels. This splitting became official by the law of 28 May 1970, of the Belgian parliament, by which the Vrije Universiteit Brussels and the Université Libre de Bruxelles became two separate legal entities.

System: The university is organised into 8 faculties that accomplish the three central missions of the university: education, research, and service to the community. The faculties cover a broad range of fields of knowledge including the natural sciences, classics, life sciences, social sciences, humanities, and engineering. The main organisational structure of the Free University of Brussels is its division into faculties: Faculty of Law and Criminology; Faculty of Economic, Social, and Political Sciences; the Solvay Business School; Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Faculty of Sciences; Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy; Faculty of Arts and Philosophy , Faculty of Engineering; Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy.

City show: Brussels, officially the Brussels Region or Brussels-Capital Region is the capital of Belgium. Brussels has grown from a 10th-century fortress town founded by a descendant of Charlemagne to a sizeable city. Historically Dutch-speaking, Brussels has seen a major shift to French since Belgian independence in 1830. Today the city is officially bilingual. All road signs, street names, and many adverts and services are shown in both languages. Main attractions include the Grand Place, since 1988 a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with the Gothic town hall in the old centre, the St. Michael and Gudula Cathedral and the Laken Castle with its large greenhouses. Another famous landmark is the Royal Palace.


episcopate [..p.sk.p.t] n. 主教;主教区

advocate [..dv..ke.t] n. 提倡者;支持者

entity [.ent.t.] n. 实体;存在

descendant [d..send.nt] n. 后裔;子孙

sizeable [.sa.z.b.l] a. 大的,相当大的






Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.


There is no elevator to success—only stairs.
