
第37章 Accepted录取通知(2)






















Sentence American British

1.Diane:You’re huffing grass? /ɡr?s/ /ɡrɑ:s/

2.Jack:Now,she’s got a shot. /ɡ?t//??t/ /ɡ?t//??t/

3.Bartleby:You were adopted. /?"d?ptid/ /?"d?ptid/



In the main hall of the State Board of Education,Bartleby and his classmates of S.H.I.T sat down for the hearing about of the legitimacy of their self-founded institute.Dr.Alexander,the Chairman of the board,asked Bartleby to make a presentation.

Bartleby:Oh,God.Okay.(clearing throat)Uh,Ladies and gentlemen of the panel1,thank you for meeting with us.Um,my name’s Bartleby Gaines and I’m the co-founder of South Harmon Institute of Technology.

All are cheering.

Bartleby:Sorry.Friends of mine.Um,I’m…I’m sorry,first of all,w-what were those three things that you listed?

Dr.Alexander:A facility2,a curriculum3 and a faculty4.

Bartleby:Facility,right.Okay,well,we definitely have a facility.Uh,we have a common room,we have dorm rooms.Uh,we have a skateboard ramp5.We got a tiki6 bar.Umm...

Van Horne:They have leased an old mental hospital7.They have none of the traditional support facilities or resources.

Dr.Alexander:Mr.Gaines,do you have a formal athletic facility?

Bartleby:Okay,uh,by formal you mean...No.No,we don’t.

Dr.Alexander:A library?


Dr.Alexander:A health services center?


Dr.Alexander:Your curriculum?

Bartleby:Our curriculum?

Dr.Alexander:Yes.Do you have a course book?A comprehensive list of your available classes?Bartleby:Oh,yeah,absolutely.Uh,Sunshine.Can you...

Bartleby asked the boy named Sunshine standing at the back of the hall to open the gate.Three girls pushed in the white board full of the courses written by the students themselves.All are cheering.

Dr.Alexander:What is this?

Bartleby:Our curriculum.These are the courses we offer at South Harmon.

Van Horne:This is a joke.“Slacking8 101”?Uh,tell me,Mr.Gaines,how does one major in bumper stickers9?


Dr.Alexander:I’m sorry,Mr.Gaines.I fail to see any merit10 or scholastic11 value in anything listed on that board.

Bartleby:(Turning back to his classmates)Okay,uh,guys,you want to help me out here?

Rory:In“Taking A Walk and Thinking About Stuff”,we get to think about what we want to do with our lives in a stress-free environment.

Hands:“Let It Speak To You 202”is an art class in which we discover our talents by examining our personal life experiences.

A boy:In“Skateboarding 234”we built a ramp that teaches us about engineering...Another boy:And physics.

A boy:And aerodynamics12.

Rock music lover:In“Rock Our Faces Off 222”we listen to the music and lyrical13 angst14 of a lost generation.And we rock our faces off.

The students are cheering wildly.

Bartleby:They do.

Dr.Alexander:Do you have faculty present?

Bartleby:Yes,we do,sir.


All the students stood up.

Dr.Alexander:What is the meaning of this?

Bartleby:See,at South Harmon,sir,the students are the teachers.

Van Horne:Aw,this is preposterous15.Students are not and cannot be teachers.

Dr.Alexander:Dean Van Horne is right.You must have a faculty as defined by the state,or you cannot be accredited16.Mr.Gaines,have you employed a faculty or not?

Bartleby:Um...Lewis:Present and accounted for17.

Van Horne:Oh,for God’s sake.Dr.Alexander,this man has not been a part of academia18 for three decades.We were on the faculty together at Harmon in our late 20s,and he washed out19.He’s a drunk20,he’s a degenerate21,and he’s Looney Tunes22.

Schrader:Hey,asshole!You’re talking about my mom’s brother!

Van Horne:Oh,sit down!


Lewis:Hey!Why don’t you take your PhD and shove23 it up your A-S-S?

The students were jeering and the Chairman was pounding the table gravelly with the hammer.

Dr.Alexander:Settle down right this minute!Dean Lewis!Sit down.Order!

Lewis:(To Bartleby)Couldn’t help myself.

Dr.Alexander:So,is that it,Mr.Gaines?You have one formal teacher for upwards of 300 students?Mr.Gaines.Answer the question.

Bartleby:Nah,I’m not gonna answer your question,’cause you guys have already made up your minds.I’m an expert in rejection24,and I can see it on your faces.And it’s too bad that you judge us by the way we look and not by who we are.Just because you want us to be more like them when the truth is we’re not like them.And I am damn proud of that fact.

The students were cheering aloud.

Bartleby:I mean,Harmon College and their—and their 100 years of tradition.But tradition of what?Of hazing25 kids and humiliating26 anyone who’s a little bit different?Of putting so much pressure on kids they turn into these—these stress freaks27 and caffeine addicts28.

Van Horne:Your phony29 school demeans30 real colleges everywhere!