
第28章 深刻模仿高频句子(1)





Imagine!想想看! Listen!听着!

Nothing!没事! Please! 拜托啦!

Someday! 改天吧! Unbelieveable! 难以置信!

Adorable! 可爱极了! Behave! 放尊重点!

Check! 买单! Definitely! 当然!

Fiftyfifty! 对半分!Help! 救命啊!

Impossible! 不可能! Marvellous! 美极了!

Objection! 我抗议! Really?真的吗?

Sure! 当然! Understand?明白了吗?

Almost! 差不多了! Bingo! 中了!

Cheers! 干杯! Disgusting! 好恶心!

Forward! 前进!Here! 这里!

Incredible! 不可思议!Maybe! 也许吧!

Oops! 哎呀!Relax! 放松点!

Surprise! 给你一个惊喜!Wait! 等一等!

Amazing! 太神了!Boring! 真无聊!

Congratulations! 恭喜啊! Exactly! 完全正确!

Foul! 犯规!Hopefully! 但愿!

Indeed?真的吗?Never! 绝不!

Pardon? 请再说一遍?Remember?记得吗?

Terrible! 好可怕! When?什么时候?

Anytime! 随时吩咐! C’mon! 拜托!

Correct! 对的! Fantastic! 好极了!

Gorgeous! 美极了! Horrible! 好可怕!

Jesus! 天啊! Nonsense! 胡说!

Perfect! 很完美!Soso... 马马虎虎……

Try! 试着做! Willingly! 很乐意!


A few.有一些。 Be serious. 说真的。

Drop dead. 去死吧。Good luck!祝好运!

How late? 迟到多久?I'ull. 我吃饱了。

Looking good! 真好看! Not good! 不太好!

Quite reasonable! 蛮划算的!So soon.这么快。

That’s great!太棒了! What else?还有啥?

About when?大约何时?Behave yourself! 规矩一点!

Duty free? 免税?Good point. 问得好。

How much?多少钱?I’m lost. 我迷路了。

Make haste!快点啦! Not necessary. 不需要。

Really sensational!真精彩!So what?那又怎样?

That’s it!就是这样!What for?这是干嘛?

After you.您先请。Believe me!相信我!

Enjoy yourself!祝你玩得开心!Guess what?猜猜看?

How nice!好漂亮!I’m moved!我好感动!

Many thanks!十分感谢!Not often!不常!

Right away!马上!Sort of...有点……

That’s lovely!好可爱啊! What’s up?近来可好?

Allow me.让我来。Bless me!天啊!

Fancy that. 真想不到。Hard times!真衰!

How romantic!好浪漫!I’m scared!我好怕!

Much better。好多了。Not ready!还没!

Right now!立刻,马上! Sounds terrible!听起来好可怕!

That’s nonsense!一派胡言!Who cares?谁在乎?

Any clues?有线索吗?Bless you!祝福你!

Feel better?好点了吗?Have mercy!求求你!

How smart!太聪明了!I’m serious!我是认真的!

My fault.我的错。Not really.不见得。

Say cheese.笑一个。 Speak up!大声点!

That’s ridiculous!真荒唐!Who knows?谁晓得?

Any discount?打折吗?Bottoms up!干杯!

Follow me.跟我来。Hello again!又见面啦!

How soon!这么快! It depends.看情况。

My goodness!天啊! Nothing much.还是老样子。

Say something. 说些话吧! Stop smoking!禁止抽烟!

That’s right!没错!Who’s calling?是哪一位?

Anything else?还要什么吗? Certainly not!才不呢!

For me?送我的?Help yourself!别客气!

How’s life?生活好吗?It hurts!疼死了!

My Pleasure! 我的荣幸!Nothing serious!没什么大不了!

See you. 再见。〖4〗Suit yourself. 随便你。

That’s settled!决定了! Why not?为什么不?

Anything wrong?怎么啦? Cheer up!振作起来!

For shame!不要脸! Hold on.等等。

I decline!我拒绝!It stinks!臭死了!

My treat.我请客。 Nothing wrong!没啥问题!

Separate checks. 分开算。Sure do!当然喽!

That’s tough!太难了! Why so?为何如此?

Back off!滚开! Come here!过来!

Forgive me!原谅我!How boring!好无聊!

I disagree!我不赞成!t’s confidential.这是机密。

Never mind.不要紧。Oh yeah?哦,是吗?

Shape up!打起精神! Take care!保重!

Think positively.往好处想。 With pleasure.很荣幸。

Bad news. 坏消息。Control yourself!克制一下!

Get moving!动身吧!How cheap!真便宜!

l know.我知道。It’s crowded. 好挤啊!

Nice going.做得好。 Old chum.老朋友。

Since when?什么时候开始?Tastes good!味道很好!

This way. 这边请。 You bet!当然罗!

Be calm.保持冷静。 Don’t bother!别麻烦!

Get on.请上车。 How come?怎么会这样?

l promise!我保证!It’s freezing!冷死了!

No comment!无可奉告!on sale?大减价?

Sleep well!好好睡吧! Thank heavens!谢天谢地!

Time’s up!时间到了!You chicken!你这胆小鬼!

Be careful!注意! Don’t cry!别哭啦!

Give up? 服不服输?How dreadful!真可怕!

I quit! 我不干了!It’s handy!这很方便!

No problem!没问题! Once more!再来一次!

Slow down!慢点!That’s all!就这样!

Try again.再试试。You guys!各位!

Be good.好好的哦。 Don’t move!不要动!

Go away!走开! How exciting!多刺激啊!

I see.我知道了。 Just relax!放轻松!

No transfer.不必转车。 Over here!在这儿!

Smells good. 闻起来不错。 That’s bananas!神经病!

Watch me!看我的!You see?明白吗?

Be honest.老实说。on’t pretend!甭装啦!

Go straight.笔直走。How interesting!好有趣啊!

I suspect.我怀疑。Let’s see. 咱们看看!

No wonder!怪不得! Please don’t.拜托!不要!

So cute!可爱死了! That’s better. 好多了!

Watch out!当心! You too!你也是!

Be quiet!安静!Don’t worry!别担心!

Good job!做得好!How far?有多远?

I’m flattered!过奖了!Let’s start!开始啦!

Not bad!不赖哦!Pretty bad!糟透了!

So long. 再会。That’s enough! 够了!

Well then... 那么……You’re exaggerating!你太夸张了吧!

Are you coming with me?你跟我一起去吗?

Are you sure?你确定吗?

As soon as possible. 尽快。

Call me tomorrow. 明天打电话给我。

Can you speak slowly?请您说得慢些好吗?

Come with me. 跟我来。

Congratulations. 恭喜恭喜。

Do it right!把它做好!

Do you mean it? 你是当真的吗?

Do you see him often?你经常见到他吗?

Do you see it?你明白了吗?

Do you want it?你要吗?

Do you want something?你想要些什么?

Don’t do it. 不要做。

Don’t exaggerate. 不要夸张。

Don’t tell me that. 不要告诉我。

Give me a hand. 帮我一下。

Go right ahead. 一直往前走。

Have a good trip. 祝旅途愉快。

Have a nice day. 祝你一天过得愉快。

Have you finished? 你做完了吗?

He doesn’t have time. 他没空。

He is on his way. 他现在已经在路上了。

How are you doing?你好吗?

How long are you staying?你要呆多久?

I am crazy about her. 我对她着迷了。

I feel much better. 我感觉好多了。

I found it. 我找到了。

I hope so. 我希望如此。

I knew it. 我早知道了。

I noticed that. 我注意到了。

I speak English well. 我英语说得很好。

I think so. 我认为是这样的。

I want to speak with him. 我想跟他说话。

I’m hungry. 我饿了。

I’m leaving. 我要走了。

I’m sorry.对不起。

I’m used to it. 我习惯了。

I’ll miss you. 我会想念你的。

I’ll try. 我试试看。

I’m bored. 我很无聊。

I’m busy. 我很忙。

I’m having fun. 我玩得很开心。

I’m ready. 我准备好了。

I’ve got it. 我明白了。

I’ve had it. 我受够了。

It’s incredible! 真是难以置信!

Is it far?很远吗?

It doesn’t matter. 没关系。

It smells good. 闻起来很香。

It’s about time. 是时候了。

It’s all right. 没关系。

It’s easy. 很容易。

It’s good. 很好。

It’s near here. 离这很近。

It’s nothing. 没什么。

It’s time to go. 该走了。

It’s different. 那是不同的。

It’s funny. 很滑稽。

It’s impossible. 那是不可能的。

It’s not bad. 还行。

It’s not difficult. 不难。

It’s not worth it. 不值得。

It’s obvious. 很明显。

It’s the same thing. 还是一样的。

It’s your turn. 轮到你了。

Let me see. 让我想想。

Let me know. 告诉我。

See you tomorrow. 明天见。

She is my best friend. 她是我最好的朋友。

She is so smart. 她真聪明。

Thank you very much. 多谢。

That happens. 这样的事情经常发生。

That’s enough. 够了。

That’s interesting. 很有趣。

That’s true. 这是真的。

Think about it. 考虑一下。

Wait for me. 等等我。

What did you say? 你说什么?

What do you think? 你认为怎样?

What is he talking about?他在说些什么?

What terrible weather! 多坏的天气啊!

What’s going on? 怎么啦?

What’s the date today?今天几号?

Where are you going? 你去哪里?

You are impatient. 你太性急了。

You look tired. 你看上去很累。

You surprise me. 你让我大吃一惊。

You’re crazy. 你疯了。

You’re welcome. 别客气。

You’re always right. 你总是对的。

You’re in a bad mood. 你的心情不好。

You’re lying. 你在撒谎。

You’re wrong. 你错了。



You can do it. 你能办到的。

You are doing so well. 你做得够好的了。

Don’t let this get you down. 不要为此而灰心丧气。

Don’t give up hope.不要放弃希望。

That’s better than I could do. 这比我能办的要好。

Keep your chin up! 别灰心!

I’m right behind you. 我支持你。

I’m very proud of you. 我为你感到骄傲。

I bet you can make it. 我打赌你能行。


You certainly made the boss very happy.你确实使老板非常高兴。

You’re the fastest runner I’ve ever seen.你是我所见过的跑得最快的人。

You’re the kindest person I’ve ever met.你是我所遇见的最亲切的人。

You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever dated.你是我曾约会过的女人中最漂亮的一个。

You have good taste.你有很好的品味。

You have an eye for beauty.你很有审美眼光。

You always know the right thing to say.你总是说话得体。

He’s a walking dictionary.他就是本活字典。

You did a good job on that. We’re so proud of you.你干得非常好,我们十分为你骄傲。


I’m just very lucky.我只是十分幸运罢了。

I was just doing my job.我只是做了我的工作。

Really? I’m not sure about it actually.真的?我其实不太有把握。

I played only a small part in the whole thing.我在这件事里只起了很小的作用。

Oh, I had very little to do with it.哦,我同此事没什么关系。

It’s nothing. Anyone could have done it, really.没什么,谁都会这么做的。

Oh, it was nothing really, nothing at all.哦,这真的没什么,一点儿也没什么。

How sweet of you to say so!你这么说,真体贴人!

It’s very good of you to say so.你这么说,真好。