

1.The magpie is a pretty bird,hardly so large as the crow.Its head and back are black,with some green,blue,and purple feathers,and its wings and tail aremarked with white.

2.The ma gpie can repeat almost any sound it hears.But it has one bad fault.It is too fond of bright things,and it often steals gold and silver articles and hides them.

3.The magpie‘s nest is very neatly built,and,unlike most nests,it has a roof.The nest has to be very large,for the bird must have room for its long tail.

4.There is a story about the magpie’s nest which you may like to hear.

Once upon a time some birds went to ask a magpie how he made such a fine nest.

5.“Well,I shall show you how I do it,”said the magpie.“I first lay two sticks across,so.”-“Yes,yes,I knew that was the way,”said the jay.

6.“Then I add a few more,like this,”the magpie went on.-“Who does not know that?”cried the starling.

7.“Then I fetch a little moss and grass.”-

“To be sure;why,we could do that,”mutteredthe jackdaw.

8.“Gentlemen,”said the magpie,“I see you are quite as able to build a nest as I am,so I shall say,‘Good-morning.’”

9.Then he bowed to the company and flew

away.So the birds learned nothing,and to this day none of them can build so good a nest as his.

10.They have often staredat the roof of the magpie‘s nest,but they have never found out how to put a roof on their own.

11.It is silly to go to other people for advice ,and then pretend to know as much as they do.We shall never grow wise in that way.


1.Name the last six verbs in the lesson.

2.Point out the subject and the predicate in the last sentence of section .