

1.Perhaps you have never seen a dog drawing

2.Little carts or barrows are made for them,and the dogs trot or gallop along with theirloads at a great rate.No dog is allowed to run about idle if he is big enough to work.

3.The dog in the picture is taking a basket of fowls to market

for his master.It is not a heavy load.But he will have a heavy enough load to take back,for when the cart is empty,his master will jump in and drive home.

4.The big Newfoundland dog also works in his own country,drawing loads of wood or fish.He is so wise and gentle that he needs no driver.He takes his load where he is told.

5.Dogs are much used by the people of the frozen North,where snow lies on the ground most of the year.Horses cannot live there,and there are no roads for carts or carriages.So the people make sledges,which slide along over the snow and ice,and these sledges are drawn by dogs.

6.The dog that runs first is called the leader,and the driver tells him which way to go.He does not use reins,but he has a very long whip.

7.If the driver says “Nannook,”the dogs run as fast as ever they can.Nan-nook is his name for the white bear,and the dogs hate the bear and like very much to hunt him.

8.So the master often plays a little trick on his dogs.He will call out “Nannook”when there is no bear in sight,so as to make the dogs run faster.

9.The dogs need very little food,but they do not always get so much as they need.One meal a day is enough,but they have often to go for two or three days without any food at all.

10.These dogs of the frozen North are very

strong and active

A man who was carrying an important letter once drove two hundred and seventy miles in less than four days in a dog-sledge.


1.Write the last ten nouns in the lesson.

2.Give the singular of barrows,carriages,reins.