
第28章 参考文献


A ntal and Her Path of Love: Poems o f a Woman Saint f romSouth India.Trans.Vidya Dehejia.Albany:State University of NewYork Press,1990.

T he Bhagav ad G ita: K rishna’s Counsel in T ime o f W ar.Trans.Barbara Miller.New York:Bantam Books,1986.

Gandhi,Mohandas K.T he S tory of M y Ex periments w ithT ruth. Trans. Mahadev Desai. New York: Dover Publications,1983.

H indu Myths.Ed.and trans.Wendy D.O’ Flaherty.NewYork:Penguin Books,1984.

Imaginary Maps: Three Stories by Mahasweta Devi.Trans.Gayatri Spivak.New York:Routledge,1995.

T he M iddle L ength D discourses o f the Buddha. Trans.Bhikku Nanamoli and Bhikku Bodhi.Boston:Wisdom Publications,1995.

Sardananda, Swami. Ramakrishna, T he G reat M aster.Madras:Sri Ramakrishna Math,1952.Saundary L ahari(The Ocean o f Beauty ).Ed.and trans.S.S. Sastri and T. R. Srinivasa Ayyangar. Madras, India, andWheaton,III.:Theosophical Publishing House,1992.

Tagore,Rabindranath. G itanj ali, Song O f f erings.NewYork:Macmillan,1916.

Upanisads.Trans.Patrick Olivelle.Oxford:Oxford UniveristyPress,1996.

V ivekacudamani o f S ri Shankaracary a( T he Crest Jew elo f Discrimination ). Trans.Swami Madhavananda.Calcutta:Advaita Ashrama.Hollywood,CA:The Vedanta Press,1992.

此外,对于那些希望得到对印度教世界更系统介绍的人,我也推荐:Flood Gavin. A n Introduction to H induism. New York:Cambridge University Press,1996.

Kinsley,David. H induism.Englewood Cliffs,N.J.:Prentice‐Hall,1982.

Klostermeier, Klaus. A Survey o f H induism. Albany:State University of New York Press,1996.

如本书开始时所提到的,我对丰富的印度教传统只举了一些例子。对于想广泛涉猎其中的读者,我建议开始于R. K.Narayan 编译的R amay ana(New York:Penguin Books,1972)和Linda Hess and Shukdev Singh 的A Touch o f G race:sons o fK abir(Boston:Shambhala Publications,1994)。

最后,对通过自传体风格了解宗教相遇更感兴趣的人,可以去欣赏Diana Eck, Encountering God: A S p iritual Journeyf rom Boseman to Banares(Boston:Beacon Press,1993)。

我在《在上万个地方,在每只叶片上:关于在印度及在此发现神的平凡但真实的告白》中也写了更多我在印度的经历,参见S tudiesin Jesuit S p irituality 28,第3期(1996年5月),由耶稣会士灵性研究会出版,3700West Pine Blvd.,St.Louis,MO 63108.