
第38章 Family Law 家庭法(3)

6. amily Procedure Rules (家庭议事规则) : The Family Procedure Rules ( previously amily Proceedings Rules) , often abbreviated to FPR, govern the procedures used in amily courts in England and Wales. The Family Proceedings Rules were introduced by tatutory Instrument in 1991 which gave rules for proceedings in the Supreme Court and ounty Courts, whilst a separatecodewas introduced for use in theMagistrates Courts. The Family Procedure Rules when finalised will be a unified code for all family courts.

7.ourt of Appeal of England and Wales (英格兰与威尔士上诉法院) : The Court of ppeal of England and Wales is the second most senior court in theEnglishlegal system, with only theAppellateCommittee of the House of Lords aboveit. TheCourt is divided into two Divisions: theCivil Division and theCriminal Division. TheMaster of theRolls presides over the Civil Division, while the Lord Chief Justice does the same in the Criminal Division. The other permanent judges of the Court of Appeal are known as Lords Justices of Appeal. The court hears appeals from the High Court and, in criminal matters, the Crown Court, although there are rights of appeal to it fromother courts and tribunals. Permission to appeal may be required from the court below or from the Court of Appeal itself.

8. hared residence (共同居住令) : Shared residence, or joint residence, refers to the ituation where the child( ren) of parents who havedivorced or separated reside( s) with each parent at different times, and each parent has equal status in law. In English family law, the Children Act 1989 defines a residence order as one“. .. settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom a child is to live”. A sole order settles thechild( ren) in thehomeof oneparent. The other parent will usually beallowed contact. A joint or shared order allows the child( ren) to alternate periods of residence between the homes of both parents. Shared residence refers to a situation where the children live in two ( or more) households. The term joint residence is used for the situation where the children live with two people who themselves live in the same household ( for example, with their father and his partner) .

9.dversarial system ( (诉讼中的)对抗制度) : The adversarial system ( or adversary ystem) of law is the system of law, generally adopted in common law countries, that elies on the skill of each advocate representing his or her party s positions and involves n impartial person, usually the judge, trying to determine the truth of the case.

10. ontact centre (联络中心) : A contact centre is a place where a non-resident parent ay have supervised ( or supported) contact with his or her children. Its primary role is to support and promote contact between those parents, grandparents, guardians and children that do not havea Residence Order ( non-resident parent) . Its secondary role is to reduce the animosities of parties involved in legal disputes regarding the upbringing of their shared children by facilitating contact as necessary.

11.obert Frederick Xenon Geldof (鲍勃·弗雷德里克·X·吉尔道夫) KBE: Robert rederick Xenon Geldof KBE, known as Bob Geldof ( born5 October 1951) , is an Irish singer, songwriter, actor and political activist who became famous as a member of the rock band The Boomtown Rats. His achievements include organising Live Aid and Live 8. Geldof s most notablecompositions include“Rat Trap”and“I Don t LikeMondays”( song) . He also starred as Pink in Pink Floyd s 1982 filmThe Wall.

I Reading comprehension.

1.ow many jurisdictions is UK made up of? What are they?

2. What are the other types of family law besides divorce and adoption?

3. In what kind of situation does theCourt of Appeal allow the reporting of certain cases?

4. What will thecurrent adversarial system, existing in England and Wales encourage?

5. What will the aggression that the father m ay have m anifested in the past betreated as?

6. Since cases where flimsy or dishonest arguments have been allowed by courts to result in unnecessarily long separations occurring between fathers andchildren during and after lengthy periods of court hearings, what kind of effort that fathers rights campaigners suggest would be better?

II Phrase translation from English into Chinese.

1. vested interests

2. adversarial system

3. contact centre4. public law

5. private law6. interim orders

7. in camera8. Family Proceedings Court

9. question-begging10. MagistratesCourt

IIIFill in the blanks with the words and expressions in the box.

terms prevalent mutual care


Child custody (监护) and guardianship are legal terms which are sometimes used to describe the legal and practical relationship between a parent and his or her child, such as the right of theparent to makedecisions for thechild, and theparent s duty to ( 1)for the child.

Following ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in most countries, ( 2)such as“residence”and“contact”( known as“visitation”in the United States) have superseded the concepts of“custody”and“access”. Instead of a parent having“custody”of or“access”to a child, a child is now said to“reside”or have“contact”with a parent.

Residence and contact issues typically arise in proceedings (行动)involving( 3)( dissolution of marriage) , annulment(法院对婚姻判决无效) and other legal proceedings where children may be involved. In most jurisdictions the issue of which parent the child will reside with is determined in accordance with the best ( 4)of the child standard.