
第6章 Law and Legal Systems 法和法律制度(6)

By way of history, the Australian Government took its first major step towards a national system of legal aid when it established the Legal Services Bureau in 1942. However, there was a move in the late 1970s to service delivery by the States and Territories ( not the federal arm of government) . In 1977, the Australian Government enacted the Commonwealth Legal Aid Commission Act 1977 ( LAC Act)which established cooperative arrangements between the Australian Government and State and Territory governments under which legal aid would be provided by independent legal aid commissions to be established under State and Territory legislation. The process of establishing the LACs took a number of years. It commenced in 1976 with the establishment of the Legal Aid Commission of Western Australia and ended in 1990 with the establishment of the Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania.The cooperative arrangements that were established by the LAC Act provided for Commonwealth and State and Territory legal aid funding agreements, which began in 1987.

In July 1997, the Australian Government changed its arrangements to directly fund legal aid services for Commonwealth law matters. Under this arrangement the States and Territories fund assistance in respect of their own laws.

Legal aid in Hong Kong

Legal aid in Hong Kong, which is a unitary jurisdiction, is solely provided through the Legal Aid Department, which is in turn overseen by the Legal Aid Services Council.

Administratively the Legal Aid Department was under the Administration Wing of the Chief Secretary s Office. In 2007 it was moved to the Home Affairs Bureau, which chiefly oversees cultural matters and local administration.

alternately / l t nitli/adv. 交替地;轮流地;隔一个地

attorney / t ni/n.代理人;律师

piecemeal / pi smi l/adv.零碎地;逐个地


eviction /i vikn/n.逐出;赶出;收回

counsel / kauns l/n.法律顾问

hearing / hi ri /n.审讯,听讯


litigation / liti gein/n.诉讼;起诉

defamation / def mein/n.中伤;诽谤

tribunal /trai bju nl/n.法庭;法官席;裁决

solicitor /s lisit /n.初级律师;法务官

barrister / b rist /n.[美口]律师; (加拿大)出庭律师; (英)(有资格出席高等法庭并辩护的)专门律师

unitary / ju nit ri/adj.一元的;单一的;统一的

en bloc / n bl k/n.全体;总体而言(法律英语拉丁词汇)

the pri nci pl es of equal i ty 平等原则

due process正当程序

the rul e of l aw法治

com m uni ty l egalcl i ni c社区法律诊所

governm ent regul ati ons政府监管

ci vi lacti ons民事诉讼

fi nanci alassi stance财政援助

l egalservi ces法律服务

1.SC (法律服务公司): The Legal Services Corporation ( LSC) is a private, non-profit orporation established by the United States Congress to seek to ensure equal access to ustice under the law for all Americans by providing civil legal assistance to those who therwise would be unable to afford it. The LSC was created in 1974 with bipartisan ongressional sponsorship and the support of the Nixon administration, and is funded hrough the congressional appropriations process.

2.egal Services Commission (法律服务委员会): The Legal Services Commissionis an xecutive non-departmentalpublicbodythat is responsible for the operational dministration of legal aid in England and Wales. Itis sponsored by theMinistry of Justice and its work is overseen by an independent board of commissioners.

3.ourt of Session ((苏格兰)最高民事法院): The Court of Session is the supreme civil ourt of Scotland, and constitutes part of the College of Justice. It sits in Parliament ouse in Edinburgh and is both a court of first instance and a court of appeal.

4.uropean Court of Human Rights (欧洲人权法院) : The European Court of Human ights is an international judicial body established under the European Convention on uman Rights ( ECHR) of 1950 to monitor respect of human rights by states. The European Convention on Human Rights, or formally named Convention for the Protection of Hum an Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, is a convention adopted by the Council of Europe. All 47 member states of the Council of Europe are parties to the Convention. Applications against Contracting Parties for human rights violations can be brought before the Court by other states, other parties or individuals.

5.ord Chancellor ((英国上议院的)大法官): The Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, or Lord Chancellor, is a senior and important functionary in thegovernment of the United Kingdom. He is the second highest ranking of the Great Officers of State, ranking only after the Lord High Steward. The Lord Chancellor is appointed by the Sovereign on the advice of the Prime Minister.

6. Access to Justice Act1999 (《1999年司法服务法令》): It is an act to establishtheLegal Services Commission, the Community Legal Serviceand the Criminal DefenseService; to amend the law of legal aid in Scotland; to make further provision about legal services; to make provision about appeals, courts, judges and court proceedings; to amend the law about magistrates and magistrates courts; and to make provision about immunity from action and costs and indemnities for certain officials exercising judicial functions.