
第53章 Lexicogrammatical realization of interpersonal(1)

meanings by MSAs

Chapter 3 explores the theoretical perspectives and the interpersonal meanings for the use of MSAs in discourse.Chapter 4 deals with the classification and functions of MSAs.

The interpersonal meanings of MSAs lie in value, stance and social distance.This chapter will explore the lexicogrammatical realization of these interpersonal meanings.The lexicogrammatical resources involve both vocabulary and grammatical patterns.Sometimes, vocabulary is stressed more whereas at other times grammatical patterns are given more attention to.Nevertheless, in all cases both aspects are involved.The following study complements the theoretical considerations proposed in Chapter 3, and materializes the functions of MSAs proposed in Chapter 4.

5.1 Value

Value is the degree of certainty or tone imposed by the addresser.It is the way how the addresser deals with information and goods-&-services.Value is closely related to two aspects of modal orientation, namely, implicit vs.explicit and subjective vs.objective.Value can be generally graded along the scale of high, median and low (cf.Halliday, 1994: 358).Lexicogrammatically, the value of MSAs is conveyed at the word group and clause levels, and highlighted by the restrictions on the co-occurrences between MSAs and MVs.Generally speaking, two types of situation occur.Type 1 is related to emphasizing.Type 2 is related to compromising.

Emphasizing refers to the situation where the value of the MV is retained when the MSA occurs.In another word, the MSA does not change the value of the MV.In this sense, it emphasizes the original value that the MV has.

Compromising refers to the situation where the value of the MV is changed when the MSA occurs.Put in another way, the MSA either raises or lowers the value of the MV.In this sense, the values of the MV and MSA are compromised.

The following parts will explore how the lexicogrammatical realization of value works.

5.1.1 Emphasizing

In the category of emphasizing there are five patterns.

First, there exists the pattern of MSA (clarification, confidence and reasoning)+ negated MV.Consider the following:

(162)They can’t very well drop the project at this stage.

(163)I wouldn’t easily accept such a proposal.

In Example (162), the MSA very well is related to confidence; it adjusts the value of can’t (a high-valued MV)to the effect that the prediction conveyed by the MV is emphasized and seems unchangeable.In Example (163), the MSA easily is related to clarification; it adjusts the value of wouldn’t (a median-valued MV), making the inclination (modulation)more determined.

Second, there exists the pattern of MSA (limitation)+ MV.Consider the following:

(164)I certainly did not think this meant that it must inevitably mean welcoming the lowering of academic standards.

(165)The judgment in these matters must entirely be a harsh one.

In Example (164), the MSA inevitably deals with limitation, and adjusts the value of must (a high-valued MV), making the obligation (modulation)more compulsory.The same situation happens in Example (165)with the MSA entirely.

Third, there exists the pattern of MSA (probability & usuality)+ MV.Consider the following:

(166)Can this possibly be love at first sight?

(167)She will probably be here.

In Example (166), the low-valued MSA possibly retains the low value of the MV can.In Example (167), the median-valued MSA probably makes the median value of the MV will stable.

Fourth, there exists the pattern of MSA (reasoning)+ MV.Consider the following:

(168)John could somehow finish his work even if less time were given.

(169)This would eventually lead to a misunderstanding about its nature.

In Example (168), the MSA somehow retains the low-valued use of prediction conveyed by the MV could.Similar situation happens in Example (169)between the MSA eventually and the median-valued MV would.

Fifth, there exists the pattern of MSA (serving as comment adjunct)+ MV.Consider the following:

(170)Frankly, I should not have been there.

In Example (170), the MSA frankly does not change the value of the MV should.It serves as a comment on the proposition, and emphasizes the median value of the MV.

5.1.2 Compromising

In this category there are two patterns.

First, there exists the non-idiomatic pattern of MSA (probability & usuality)+ MV.Consider the following:

(171)She could never keep a straight face.

(172)If there was something nice coming up you could always ring us up, you know.

In Example (171), the low-valued MSA never seems to “erase” the weak tone of the MV could, making the scale move upwards from an assumed norm.In this sense, the MSA compromises the value of the MV.In Example (172), always is a high-valued MA, which pushes the value of the MV could higher.This MSA adjusts the value of the MV in a positive and progressive way.

Second, there exists the idiomatic pattern of MSA (clarification, confidence and reasoning)+ MV.These MSAs include such words as well, easily, readily and literally.Consider the following:

(173)I might well be having some more tickets given to me.

(174)Take two words which might easily affect the same important modern argument, barbarism and colonialism.

In Example (173), the MSA well co-occurs with the MV might.This collocation is an idiomatic modal expression of modalization.Well seems to adjust the low-valued MV upward.In Example (174), easily co-occurs with might (a low-valued MV), lifting the value of the latter upward as well.

Figure 5.1 sums up the lexicogrammatical realization of value by means of MSAs.