
第72章 Empirical studies on MSAs(8)

Fourth, the MSAs of clarification do not show much variation across the genres.This situation may be attributed to the need of logic in all types of genre.

Fifth, the MSAs of reasoning are used a lot in LR (517 occurrences)and AW (341 occurrences).These MSAs indicate inferences, obligations or liabilities.Since LR is a genre expressing strong obligations and AW is a genre where writers have to draw conclusions, such MSAs appear frequently in the two genres.

Sixth, the MSAs of evidence appear most frequently in LR (230 occurrences)and also frequently in AW (180 occurrences).This is much related to the nature of these two genres.As Du (2004: 86)mentions, legal vocabulary should aim at exactness based on evidence.Hence, the MSAs in LR are evidential-oriented in many cases.In AW, writers should present their findings based on evidence as well.Hence, such MSAs are not rare in this genre.

In short, there is a generic expectation for the occurrences of MSAs in types.The differences in the occurrences of MSAs in terms of types show that the stance is related to negotiations and a balance between solidarity and deference is struck in PS, JI and AW.In contrast, the stance is related to imposition of orders and hierarchy is highlighted in LR.

It is found that the occurrences of specific MSAs vary from genre to genre.Take the following MSAs for example: therefore, necessarily, taken together, so to speak, and on a de facto basis:

A.therefore: 55 (AW), 44 (LR), 12 (PS), < 10 (JI).

B.necessarily: 40 (AW), 35 (LR), 18 (JI), < 10 (PS).

C.taken together: 25 (AW), < 10 (PS, JI and LR).

D.so to speak: 26 (AW), < 10 (PS, JI and LR).

E.on a de facto basis: 37 (LR), < 10 (PS, JI and LR).

(NB: the sign of “<” mens “fewer than”)

First of all, it is found that some single-word MSAs such as also, only, even, and still rank quite high in all the situations.However, some single-word MSAs are frequent in AW and LR but infrequent in PS and JI, such as therefore and necessarily; other single-word MSAs seem unique in LR, for example, thereafter and thereof.It is the logicality of legal language in LR that makes MSAs like therefore and hereinafter necessary.

Also, as far as idiomatic MSAs are concerned, expressions such as in particular, at least, and in fact are common in all the four genres; yet, some idiomatic MSAs are unique, for instance, taken together and so to speak in AW and on a de facto basis in LR.The tentativeness of opinion-presenting in AW makes so to speak common on some occasions.Given the nature of social distance between law-makers and common citizens, it is not hard to know why on a de facto basis is somehow unique in LR, for this MSA provides evidence.

Besides, some idiomatic MSAs may have a tendency to appear in a given genre, such as in such cases in LR.The use of these MSAs reveals the authoritativeness of LR.

Therefore, a conclusion is drawn that MSAs have much to do with genre as far as their occurrences based on types are concerned.

An examination of the four corpora can help people better understand the occurrences of MSAs based on types.Consider the following:

(266)And that may take different forms with respect to different players, but this is something that will definitely be on an agenda.

(267)And it had been, perhaps, another person who had a different track record, might it have been different?

(268)I can’t actually say at the moment.I can tell you that we’re looking at home video and broadcast as a whole, but it’s not something that we actually have the rights to.

(269)Use of uncial to provide headings in half-uncial codices of the sixth and seventh centuries seems to me to reinforce an understanding of uncial as a high-grade script from the very beginning of its existence and one that in principle at least would be reserved for special books.

(270)…whereas in the interests of legal certainty the validity of transactions must nevertheless be protected as much as necessary…

Examples (266)and (267)are from PS.In Example (266), the MSA definitely supplements the modalization of the MVs may and will.The MSA definitely is related to confidence, and lifts up the value of may and will.This shows the addresser’s change of attitude or judgment based on tenor (i.e.the relationship between the addresser and addressees).In Example (267), the MSA perhaps covers probability in type.As this MSA is low-valued, it helps to maintain the low value of the MV might.This shows the addresser’s tentativeness or uncertainty in attitude or judgment.

Example (268)is from JI.In this example, the MSA actually belongs to the category of confidence.It occurs twice, modifying can’t and can respectively (in the latter case, long-distance modality supplementing is involved).This MSA emphasizes the modulation (ability or inclination)of the MV can.

Example (269)is from an academic essay on scientific discovery in AW.There are two MSAs for the MV would: in principle and at least.Both MSAs are about clarification.It is obvious that the researcher wants to clarify his idea.The two MSAs contribute to maintaining the median value of the MV would.

Example (270)is from LR.The MSA nevertheless is related to reasoning.It makes the modulation of the MV must more binding.This MSA has the function of intensifying the modal force of the MV.

Generally speaking, the occurrences of MSAs in types are related to the generic features involved, especially tenor, and disclose the interpersonal meanings as mentioned earlier in this section.

6.8 Occurrences of MSAs in modal categories