
第92章 Appendix 4

A list of some MSAs in four genres Public speeches


again, almost, already, also, always, certainly, definitely, even, eventually, ever, forever, frankly, generally, hardly, hopefully, indeed, just, merely, necessarily, never, only, perhaps, plainly, possibly, probably, really, safely, simply, sometimes, still, surely, therefore, ultimately


as a whole, as usual, as well, at any time, at least, from time to time, in vain, no longer, of course

Journalistic interviews


absolutely, actually, almost, also, always, already, basically, certainly, clearly, completely, definitely, doubtless, especially, essentially, even, ever, exactly, frankly, hardly, hopefully, incredibly, indeed, internationally, just, likely, maybe, most likely, naturally, necessarily, never, normally, objectively, obviously, occasionally, often, only, otherwise, particularly, perhaps, personally, please, possibly, realistically, really, simply, still, technically, then, ultimately, unfortunately, usually, yet


after all, all the way, as a whole, as soon as possible, at least, for sure, for the time being, in any case, in any way, in fact, in general, in particular, in this (that)case, no longer, of course, on equal terms, to some extent (degree), theoretically speaking

Academic writings


accordingly, actually, again, also, apparently, certainly, clearly, definitely, easily, especially, even, fundamentally, generally, indeed, inevitably, just, largely, merely, naturally, necessarily, never, nevertheless, normally, obviously, only, overwhelmingly, perhaps, possibly, potentially, presumably, probably, reasonably, respectively, safely, simply, sometimes, still, surely, temporarily, then, therefore, thus, ultimately, usually


as well, at least, at the same time, generally speaking, in certain situations, in detail, in fact, in particular, in practice, in principle, in this (that)case, more or less, most importantly, of course, so far, to a large extent (degree), to some extent (degree), taken together

Laws and regulations


accordingly, alone, also, always, clearly, consequently, duly, easily, equally, essentially, even, ever, exceptionally, further, generally, henceforth, hereinafter, inevitably, legally, normally, only, otherwise, particularly, personally, possibly, reasonably, significantly, simply, simultaneously, still, strictly, successively, sufficiently, then, thereafter, thereby, therefore, thus, undoubtedly, unlawfully


as a whole, at any time, at (the very)least, in advance, in any circumstances, in no event, in particular, in practice, in such (many, these, those, most)cases, in the normal way, in this (that)case, mutatis mutandis, not…at all, on a de facto (an objective)basis