
第14章 英语语句写作图式与技术(6)


(1)I've directed Secretary Powell to work with fellow members of the Council to endorse the timetable the Iraqis have adopted, to express international support for Iraq's interim government, to reaffirm the world's security commitment to the Iraqi people, and to encourage other U.N.members to join in the effort.

(2)Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing

(3)John has a car and a boat.

(4)Have you left your key on the table or in the drawer?

(5)I will live and lead by these principles, to advance my convictions with activity, to pursue the public interest with courage, to speak for greater justice and compassion, to call for responsibility, and try to live it as well.


(1)I washed the dishes and I dried them.

(2)Ted came here yesterday but he won't be here tomorrow.

(3)I may see you tomorrow or I may call you tonight.

(4)I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low; the rough places will be made plain and the crooked places will be made straight; and the glory of the Lord shall be revealled and all the flesh see it together.This is my hope.


(1)Our terrorist enemies have a vision that guides and explains all their varied acts of murder.They seek to impose Taliban-like rule, country by country, across the greater Middle East.They seek the total control of every person, and mind, and soul, a harsh society in which women are voiceless and brutalized.They seek bases of operation to train more killers and export more violence.They commit dramatic acts of murder to shock, frighten and demoralize civilized nations, hoping we will retreat from the world and give them free rein.They seek weapons of mass destruction, to impose their will through blackmail and catastrophic attacks.

(2)So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.From the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of colorado.Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.But not only that, let freedom ring from Stone Mountain Of Georgia.Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi, from every mountainside…


We made him comfortable and chairman.

We made him chairman and comfortable.

John is here and nice.

John is nice and here.

I wrote a postcard and to Mary.

John has become a teacher and very tall.

Mary likes classical music and to relax.



(1)And so, my fellow citizens, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for the country.

(2)Whatever our enemies oppose, we approve; and whatever our enemies approve, we approve.




(1)Her mouth and chin, they said, were too large and long, and so they might be for a goddess in marble, nut not for a woman whose eyes were fire, whose look was love, whose voice was the sweetest low song, whose shape was perfect symmetry, health, decision, activity, whose foot as it planted itsels on the ground was firm but flexible, and whose motion, whether rapid or slow, was always perfect grace-agile as a nymph, lofty as a queen-now melting, now imperious, now sarcastic-there was no single movement of hers but was beautiful.(描写)

(2)I've directed Secretary Powell to work with fellow members of the Council to endorse the timetable the Iraqis have adopted, to express international support for Iraq's interim government, to reaffirm the world's security commitment to the Iraqi people, and to encourage other U.N.members to join in the effort.(表达复杂思想)




(1)Completing the five steps to Iraqi elected self-government will not be easy.

(2)Helping construct a stable democracy after decades of dictatorship is a massive undertaking.

(3)Whether this new medicine will be widely applied clinically or not is still a question.






(1)The teachers' college student was giving his class the first time and he felt very nervous.

(2)The teachers' college student was giving his class the first time; he felt very nervous.

(3)The teachers' college student giving his class the first time felt very nervous.

(4)The teachers' college student felt very nervous during his first class giving.

(5)The teachers' college student's first class giving made him feel very nervous.

(6)Extreme uneasiness seized the teachers' college student giving his class the first time.

(7)The teachers' college student was giving his class the first time, feeling very nervous.

(8)It being his first class giving, the teachers' college student felt very nervous.

(9)Being giving his class the first time, the teachers' college student felt very nervous.

(10)The teachers' college student was giving his class the first time and felt very nervous.