
第16章 英语语句写作图式与技术(8)




(1)In the past decades, China has developed a series of new agricultural technologies, and that has resulted in the high increase of China's agricultural production.

The development of a series of new agricultural technologies In the past decades has resulted in the high increase of China's agricultural production.

(2)All available evidence points to the fact that more and more young people are declaring their allegiance to traditional values.

All available evidence points to the fact of more and more young people's declaration of their allegiance to traditional values.


(1)With the steady progress in different sectors of China, we are very confident that China will play more and more important roles in international affairs.

With the steady progress in different sectors of China, we are very confident with China's more and more important roles in international affairs.

(2)Now when China is entering the world and other countries are approaching to us, we should make good use of this opportunity and make contributions to the world civilization.

Now with China's entering the world and other countries' approaching to us, we should make good use of this opportunity and make contributions to the world civilization.


(1)Whenever you tell a lie, you do so at the expense of your reputation.

Whenever you telling a lie, you do so at the expense of your reputation.

(2)I should be grateful if you would let me know as soon as possible whether you are able to accept the attachment on the above terms and conditions.

Letting me know as soon as possible your ability to accept the attachment on the above terms and conditions, I should be grateful.

非谓语to do动词短语的语句表意功能:

(1)Now it is high time we took effective measures to solve this problem.

Now it is high time for us to take effective measures to solve this problem.

(2)The essential solution, in my opinion, is that we combine developing and protecting.

The essential solution, in my opinion, is to combine developing and protecting.


(1)In the picture that has been presented to us, an oil lamp gives out bright flame against the dark background.

In the picture presented to us, an oil lamp gives out bright flame against the dark background.

(2)The beautiful articraft was in fact entirely made of things that were outused and thrown away by people.

The beautiful articraft was in fact entirely made of things that were outused and thrown away by people.



(1)We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution.Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage - and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed…

(2)I've come here tonight to report to all Americans, and to the Iraqi people, on the strategy our nation is pursuing in Iraq, and the specific steps were taking to achieve our goals.


