
第2章 Preface

Since China takes reformation steps,the status of Chinese cattle breeding industry has changed radically,Chinese cattle breeding industry has become the underpinning industry in rural economy.As the most important product of livestock,meat product is always the focus of Vegetable Basket Project,which supply condition and price variety straightly influence residents’life and peasants’income.The development of Chinese meat industry has important effect to community and economy in21th century.However,Chinese meat industry is facing the market changing at present,the competition between big enterprises is scorching increasingly,the form of market competition of meat industry is changing from price competition to the integration of price,service and quality competition,which gives ahigher demand to Chinese meat industry.At the same time,China has entered WTO,the competition pressure from the oversea congener augments increasingly,conventional safeguard to agriculture will lose intrinsic effect.Under this background,Chinese meat industry need adjust industry policy flexibly to be able to take the test from outside and inside.

The dissertation mainly applies correlative academic fruits of macroeconomics,microeconomics,agronomics,industry economics,international economics and econometrics to analyze the basic development of Chinese meat industry through the angle of market.The dissertation wants to explore the causation and status quo of Chinese meat industry’s development,it’s function mode,territorial market development and integration between market outside and inside to form the market academic frame of Chinese meat industry which can provide scientificinstruction and policy to promote Chinese meat industry’s development in21th century.

The dissertation consists of nine chapters.The basic contents and main conclusions are drawn as followings:

The first chapter is introduction.This part mainly discuses the background and significance,brings forward logic frame and defines some important concepts such as industry and meat industry.

The second chapter,the third chapter and the fourth chapter analyze the basic situation of Chinese meat industry,mainly including:balance forecasting of supply and demand of Chinese meat market in five years,analysis o the previous and backward correlative industry,evaluating development capability ofmeat industry.

The fifth chapter analyzes regional trade of Chinese meat production.The fifth chapter introduces in detail how different kinds of meat products trade between different provinces,and discusses how to break the barrier of regional trade to promote circulation between regions and give some constructive suggestion.

The sixth and seventh chapters analyze the trade of Chinese meat industry though the angle of international market.The sixth chapter mainly discusses the integration of meat market of outside and inside,which respectively analyzes the integration of pork’s and beef’s meat market of outside and inside and gives some suggestion to improve the relation between the two markets to increase the international competition under the frame of WTO.The seventh chapter introduces international trade policy and market admittance of meat market and explores how Chinese meat industry can deal with baptism during WTO post-interim.

The eighth chapter summaries the main conclusions and put forward some issues to further research.