
第19章 观英伦跌宕史感人本精神之衰落(18)

“So I travelled, stopping ever and again, in great strides of a thousand years or more, drawn on by the mystery of the earth’s fate, watching with a strange fascination the sun grow larger and duller in the westward sky, and the life of the old earth ebb away.At last, more than thirty million years hence, the huge red-hot dome of the sun had come to obscure nearly a tenth part of the darkling heavens.A Then I stopped once more, for the crawling multitude of crabs had disappeared, and the red beach, save for its livid green Liverworts and Lichens, seemed lifeless.And now it was flecked with white.A bitter cold assailed me.Rare white flakes ever and again came eddying down.B To the north-eastward, the glare of snow lay under the starlight of the sable sky and I could see an undulating crest of hillocks pinkish white.There were fringes of ice along the sea margin, with drifting masses further out;but the main expanse of that slat ocean, all bloody under the eternal sunset, was still unfrozen.

“I looked about me to see if any traces of animal life remained. A certain indefinable apprehension still kept me in the saddle of the machine.But I saw nothing moving, in earth or sky or sea.The green slime on the rocks alone testified that life was not extinct.A shallow sandbank had appeared in the sea and the water had receded from the beach.C I fancied I saw some black object flopping about upon this bank, but it became motionless as I looked at it, and I judged that my eye had been deceived, and that the back object was merely a rock.The stars in the sky were intensely bright and seemed to me to twinkle very little.


长难句解析Sentence Structures


Then I stopped once more, for the crawling multitude of crabs had disappeared, and the red beach, save for its Livid green Liverworts and Lichens, seemed Lifeless.


save 除了……之外。例如:She answered all the questions save one.除了一个问题外,她回答了所有的问题。


To the north-eastward, the glare of snow Lay under the starlight of the sable sky and I could see an undulating crest of hillocks pinkish white.



I fancied I saw some black object flopping about upon this bank, but it became motionless as I Looked at it, and I judged that my eye had been deceived, and that the back object was merely a rock.


flopping 是宾语补足语。

The Half-Brothers 异父兄弟






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Aunt Fanny-always a talker-told me all.A How, on that fatal night, my father, irritated by my prolonged absence, and probably more anxious than he cared to show, had been fierce and imperious, even beyond his wont, to Gregory;had upbraided him with his father’s poverty, his own stupidity which made his services good for nothing-for so, in spite of the old shepherd, my father always chose to consider them.At last, Gregory had risen up, and whistled Lassie out with him-poor Lassie, crouching underneath his chair for fear of a kick or blow.Some time before, there had been some talk between my father and my aunt respecting my return;and when Aunt Fanny told me all this, she said she fancied that Gregory might have noticed the coming storm, and gone out silently to meet me.Three hours afterwards, when all were running about in wild alarm, not knowing whither to go in search of me-not even missing Gregory, or heeding his absence, poor fellow-poor, poor fellow!—B Lassie came home, with my handkerchief tied round her neck.They knew and understood, and the whole strength of the farm was turned out to follow her, with wraps, and blankets, and brandy, and everything that could be thought of.I lay in chilly sleep, but still alive, beneath the rock that Lassie guided them to.I was covered over with my brother’s plaid, and his thick shepherd’s coat was carefully wrapped round my feet.He was in his shirt-sleeves-his arm thrown over me-a quiet smile(he had hardly ever smiled in life)upon his still, cold face.

My father"s last words were,“God forgive me my hardness of heart towards the fatherless child!”

C And what marked the depth of his feeling of repentance, perhaps more than all, considering the passionate love he bore my mother, was this;we found a paper of directions after his death, in which he desired that he might lie at the foot of the grave, in which, by his desire, poor Gregory had been laid with OUR MOTHER.


长难句解析Sentence Structures


How, on that fatal night, my father, irritated by my prolonged absence, and probably more anxious than he cared to show, had been fierce and imperious, even beyond his wont, to Gregory;


本句的主干结构是“How……my father……had been fierce and imperious to Gregory”。


Lassie came home, with my handkerchief tied round her neck.


with my handkerchief tied round her neck中,with后面加复合宾语,说明附带情况。例如:Sleep with the window open,开着窗睡觉。


And what marked the depth of his feeling of repentance, perhaps more than all, considering the passionate Love he bore my mother, was this;we found a paper of directions after his death, in which he desired that he might Lie at the foot of the grave, in which, by his desire, poor Gregory had been Laid with OUR MOTHER.


repentance后悔,懊悔。例如:He showed repentance for his sins.他对自己的罪行表示后悔。