
第2章 观英伦跌宕史感人本精神之衰落(1)

Hard Times艰难时世






今日关键语导读Today’s Key Points



障碍词先听为快Words and Expressions










好英文娓娓动听Words and Expressions

Now what I want is, Facts.Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts.Facts alone are wanted in life.Plant nothing else, and root out everything else.You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts:nothing else will ever be of any service to them.AThis is the principle on which I bring up my own children, and this is the principle on which I bring up these children.Stick to Facts, sir!

BThe scene was a plain, bare, monotonous vault of a school-room, and the speaker"s square forefinger emphasized his observations by underscoring every sentence with a line on the schoolmaster"s sleeve. The emphasis was helped by the speaker"s square wall of a forehead, which had his eyebrows for its base, while his eyes found commodious cellarage in two dark caves, overshadowed by the wall.The emphasis was helped by the speaker"s mouth, which was wide, thin, and hard set.The emphasis was helped by the speaker"s voice, which was inflexible, dry, and dictatorial.The emphasis was helped by the speaker’s hair, which bristled on the skirts of his bald head, a plantation of firs to keep the wind from its shining surface, all covered with knobs, like the crust of a plum pie, as if the head had scarcely warehouse-room for the hard facts stored inside.CThe speaker’s obstinate carriage, square coat, square legs, square shoulders,-nay, his very neckcloth, trained to take him by the throat with an unaccommodating grasp, like a stubborn fact, as it was,-all helped the emphasis.

“In this life, we want nothing but Facts, sir;nothing but Facts!”

The speaker, and the schoolmaster, and the third grown person present, all backed a little, and swept with their eyes the inclined plane of little vessels then and there arranged in order, ready to have imperial gallons of facts poured into them until they were full to the brim.


长难句解析Sentence Structures


This is the principle on which I bring up my own children, and this is the principle on which I bring up these children.


bring up 养育。例如:I was brought up by my grandmother.我是祖母养大的。


The scene was a plain, bare, monotonous vault of a school-room, and the speaker"s square forefinger emphasized his observations by underscoring every sentence with a Line on the schoolmaster"s sleeve.


underscore 强调。例如:We have to underscore this peculiar feature of our product.我们必须强调我们产品的这种特点。


The speaker"s obstinate carriage, square coat, square Legs, square shoulders,-nay, his very neckcloth, trained to take him by the throat with an unaccommodating grasp, Like a stubborn fact, as it was,-all helped the emphasis.


as it is/was事实上;既然如此。

Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿






今日关键语导读Today’s Key Points



障碍词先听为快Words and Expressions










好英文娓娓动听Words and Expressions

A“Bow to the board,”said Bumble.Oliver brushed away two or three tears that were lingering in his eyes, and seeing no board but the table, fortunately bowed to that.

“What"s your name, boy?”said the gentleman in the high chair.

BOliver was frightened at the sight of so many gentlemen, which made him tremble;and the beadle gave him another tap behind, which made him cry;and these two causes made him answer in a very low and hesitating voice;whereupon a gentleman in a white waistcoat said he was a fool, which was a capital way of raising his spirits, and putting him quite at his ease.

“Boy,”said the gentleman in the high chair,“listen to me. You know you"re an orphan, I suppose?”

“What"s that, Sir?”inquired poor Oliver.

“The boy is a fool-I thought he was,”said the gentleman in the white waistcoat, in a very decided tone. If one member of a class be blessed with an intuitive perception of others of the same race, the gentleman in the white waistcoat was unquestionably well qualified to pronounce an opinion on the matter.

“Hush!”said gentleman who had spoken first.“You know you"ve got no father or mother, and that you are brought up by the parish, don"t you?”

“Yes, Sir,”replied Oliver, weeping bitterly.

“What are you crying for?”

“I hope you say your prayers every night,”said another gentleman in a gruff voice,“and pray for the people who feed you, and take care of you, like a Christian.”

“Yes, Sir,”stammered the boy. The gentleman who spoke last was unconsciously right.It would have been very like a Christian, and a marvelously good Christian, too, if Oliver had prayed for the people who fed and took care of him.But he hadn"t, because nobody had taught him.

“Well, you have come here to be educated, and taught a useful trade,”said the red-faced gentleman in the high chair.

“So you"ll begin to pick oakum tomorrow morning at six o"clock,”added the surly one in the white waistcoat.