
第14章 Success:Fact or Fantasy成功:现实还是幻想




Success. It"s as alluring as sin, as elusive1 as the Muse. Is it real?Is it a dream or a fantasy?Who or what defines success?Webster"s dictionary defines succeed as“to accomplish what is attempted”and success as“the attainment of wealth, etc.”

As beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so is success.

As beginning writers, we define success as finishing that first scene, chapter, story or manu. As we grow as writers, our definition of success grows. We begin to think of success in terms of writing something that makes sense, that makes someone smile, laugh or cry;something that touches the reader. When we become published we associate success with sales, reviews, contracts and money.

Success is measured in many ways, in small accomplishments and in large. There is no such thing as a small or moderate amount of success. Success is in and of itself;it just is.

My book Tempered Hearts was electronically published in December 2000. Is that success?I"ve had one short story and one inspirational article in The Romantic Bower Ezine. Is that success?After writing for nineteen years and submitting2 for eight, I"ve actually begun to see a small income. A very slight return for the amount of time and money invested in this fickle3 business called writing. Is that success?

Many people have said to me:“You should be proud, actually writing a book is quite an accomplishment, getting it published is quite another.”And“Ms. Thibodeaux has an outstanding career ahead of her.”My book is getting reviews such as:“Steamier and grittier without decreasing the message”,“A job well done”,“An outstanding story of true love and the obstacles you have to overcome to realize love"s permanence4.”Do these comments make me successful?Though I cringe at5 the thought of being“proud”,I am very pleased and grateful for the success God has granted me thus far.

How do you define success?Is it more successful to write the book of your heart or write for the market?I believe success is in the heart. It is as personal as your relationship with God and with others.

Have you finished that rough draft, first chapter, and difficult scene?You are successful. Have you submitted to an agent or editor, signed that contract, made a few dollars?You are successful. Have you reached that goal, made new ones, are you steadily working toward them?You are successful.

Congratulate yourself. Pat yourself on the back. Toot your own horn. Don"t adhere to anyone"s opinion of success but your own and take the time to enjoy each tiny accomplishment along the way. And remember:A man plans his way but God directs his steps.






我的书《平和的心情》在2000年12月出了电子版。那可以算是成功吗?我已经有一篇短故事和一篇鼓舞人心的文章发表在The Romantic Bower Ezine上了。那可以叫成功吗?在写了19年,递交了8次之后,我终于看到了一点儿小小的收入。在这个变化无常的叫做写作的产业中,所投入的时间和金钱得到了这么一些小小的回报。那算是成功吗?





词汇空间 ocabulary

1.elusive adj. 难以捉摸的;难以找到的;不易记住的

2.submit v. 提交,呈递

3.fickle adj. 变幻无常的

4.permanence n. 永久,持久

5.cringe at 对……畏缩

文化链接 Culture Background


缪斯(希腊语 Μουσαι,Mousai)是希腊神话中九位古老的女神,她们代表通过传统的音乐和舞蹈、即时的和流传的歌所表达出来的传说。她们是海林肯山泉水中的水仙。后来人们将奥林匹斯神希中的阿波罗设立为她们的首领。




1.As beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so is success.


2.Pat yourself on the back. Toot your own horn. Don"t adhere to anyone"s opinion of success but your own and take the time to enjoy each tiny accomplishment along the way. And remember:A man plans his way but God directs his steps.
