
第11章 古埃及——奇特的尼罗河文明(2)

The ancient Egyptians enjoyed a variety of leisure activities, including games and music. Senet, a board game where pieces moved according to random chance, was particularly popular from the earliest times; another similar game was mehen, which had a circular gaming board. Juggling and ball games were popular with children, and wrestling is also documented in a tomb at Beni Hasan. The wealthy members of ancient Egyptian society enjoyed hunting and boating as well.






2. Great contribution to the civilization in many fields

The ancient Egypt is one of the oldest civilizations in the history. The ancient Egyptian civilization includes architectural art, language art, science and technology, medicine, mathematics and others. Among them, the Pyramid is the representative and milepost of the ancient Egyptian civilization.



Egyptian Pyramids:The tombs of the kingswhich are mysterious miracles

The Egyptian pyramids are a masterpiece of ancient Egyptian civilization, and Egypt’s national symbol. Pyramids are located in the ancient Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt on the banks of the Nile River, in Sudan and Egypt today.

The Egyptian pyramids are masonry structures for the kings in the ancient slavery. These rulers in history were called “Pharaohs”. The Pharaohs ruled humankind when they were alive, and they wished to dominate the nether world after death. So the Pharaohs’ bodies would be eviscerated, impregnated with preservatives and filled with spices to be kept long, which is called“Mummy”. The Egyptian pyramids are the tombs for mummies.

According to legend, before the 3rd dynasty of ancient Egypt, whether the kings and ministers or the ordinary people,they would be buried into a rectangular grave built with mud-bricks after death. Later, a clever young man named Imhotep ivented a new construction method when he designed for the king. He used the stones from the mountain instead of mud-bricks, and continued to modify the design program of the tomb. Finally, he completed a trapezoidal pyramid. This is the prototype of the pyramid that we see today. Each side of the pyramid is a triangle and looks like the Chinese character “Jin”, so we call it “Jin Zi Ta”.

During the 2nd and 3rd dynasty, the Egyptians began to think that the king would be a god after his death. In the Pyramid Text, there is a sentence: “Build a high ladder for him so that he can go to heaven.” The Pyramid is such a ladder. Meanwhile, the pyramid is said to be a symbol of sun rays that honor the sun god.






The Valley of the Kings:The valley thatplaced the tombs for Pharaohs

The Valley of the Kings is a valley in Egypt where, for a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th centuries BC, tombs were constructed for the Pharaohs and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom (the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Dynasties of Ancient Egypt). The valley stands on the west bank of the Nile, opposite Thebes (modern Luxor), within the heart of the Theban Necropolis. The wadi consists of two valleys, East Valley (where the majority of the royal tombs are situated) and West Valley.

With the 2005 discovery of a new chamber, and the 2008 discovery of two further tomb entrances, the valley is known to contain 63 tombs and chambers. It was the principal burial place of the major royal figures of the Egyptian New Kingdom, together with those of a number of privileged nobles. The royal tombs are decorated with scenes from Egyptian mythology and give clues to the beliefs and funerary rituals of the period. Almost all of the tombs seem to have been opened and robbed in antiquity, but they still give an idea of the opulence and power of the Pharaohs. This area has been a focus of archaeological and egyptological exploration since the end of the eighteenth century, and its tombs and burials continue to stimulate research and interest. In modern times the valley has become famous for the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun (with its rumours of the Curse of the Pharaohs), and is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world.


