
第42章 波斯波利斯——穿越宫廷之火与沙漠奇迹的波斯文明(1)

1. Persepolis:The ups and downs of the historic civilization

Persepolis was the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire (ca. 550–330 BC). Persepolis is situated 70 km northeast of the modern city of Shiraz in the Fars Province of modern Iran. The earliest remains of Persepolis date from around 515 BC.UNESCO declared the citadel of Persepolis a World Heritage Site in 1979.



The introduction and geographical position

Persepolis is near the small river Pulwar, which flows into the river Kur. The site includes a 125,000-squaremetre terrace, partly artificially constructed and partly cut out of a mountain, with its east side leaning on the Mountain of Mercy. The other three sides are formed by retaining walls, which vary in height with the slope of the ground. From 5 to 13 metres on the west side, a double stair gently slopes to the top. To create the level terrace, depressions were filled with soil and heavy rocks, which were joined together with metal clips.

Around 518 BC, construction of a broad stairway was begun. The stairway was planned to be the main entrance to the terrace 20 metres above the ground. The dual stairway, known as the Persepolitan stairway, was built symmetrically on the western side of the Great Wall. The 111 steps were 6.9 metres wide. Originally, the steps were believed to have been constructed to allow for nobles and royalty to ascend by horseback. New theories suggest that the shallow risers allowed visiting dignitaries to maintain a regal appearance while ascending. The top of the stairways led to a small yard in the north-eastern side of the terrace, opposite the Gate of Nations.

Grey limestone was the main building material used in Persepolis. After natural rock had been levelled and the depressions filled in, the terrace was prepared. Major tunnels for sewage were dug underground through the rock. A large elevated water storage tank was carved at the eastern foot of the mountain. Professor Olmstead suggested the cistern was constructed at the same time that construction of the towers began.

The uneven plan of the foundation of the terrace acted like a castle whose angled walls enabled its defenders to target any section of the external front. Diodorus writes that Persepolis had three walls with ramparts, which all had towers to provide protection space for the defence personnel. The first wall was 7 metres tall, the second, 14 metres and the third wall, which covered all four sides, was 27 metres in height, though no presence of the wall exists in modern times.






Persian and Greece: Famous wars and event- filled history

In order to control the Aegean Sea and the eastern Mediterranean Sea, Darius I of Persia launched a half century’s expedition to Greek, known as the Persian war. But Darius the great failed to conquer Greece, and Xerxes I of Persia followed in his father’s footsteps, and made anther unprecedented expedition in 480 BC. The Persian army broke through the pass of Thermopylae, flew south, and stabbed Athens. Xerxes looted the city of Athens in order to wipe out the disgrace in marathon for his father in revenge. The Greek forces retreated to the southwest side of the Salamis Bay, and then the Persian Navy and the Greek Navy launched the famous Battle of Salamis in the history of the world wars—the battle changed the course of human history, and the victory of Greek greeted the dawn of the golden age of Greek civilization. The Greek began to counterattack, forcing the Persian army out of Athens. Before leaving, they set fire to the city of Athens, and burned up the famous Athenaeum.

After 150 years passed away, another team of Greek, Macedonian nation got strong. In 334 BC, the Macedonian king Alexander the Great led the army and made an expedition to the Persian. The Persian King Darius III( 336 BC ~ 330 BC) led the army personally against them, but he was badly defeated. Darius III fled back to Persia, but his mother, wife and sons were captured by Alexander. In 331 BC, Alexander attacked Persia again. The Persian army was defeated again, and Darius III fled in a flurry. Alexander entered Persepolis and looted it. In order to revenge the Persian for their burning the Athenaeum, Alexander gave orders to burn Persepolis. The fire lasted several days and nights. The magnificent Stone City changed into a heap of ruins today. The stone animals on the top of the pillars who ever looked down upon the world, fell down from the tall pillars and were scattered everywhere. They are talking without speaking the vicissitudes of the ancient civilization.

