
第52章 楼兰古国——丝绸之路上的缥缈旖梦(3)

The city has an irregular square shape, with the east city wall measuring 333 meters; the south wall, 329 meters; and the west and north walls 327 meters respectively. Archeologists believe there was once a water tunnel running through the city that divided it into two functional parts. The most eye-catching architecture is a wooden Buddhist pagoda located in the eastern city ruins. This octagonal-shaped pagoda is 10 meters high with a square base and a round top.

In the city center are rows of adobe houses surrounded by piles of wood, with some pieces of timber up to five or six meters in length. On the foundations of some of the houses we can still find traces of red paint. A large amount of historical documents have been discovered among these houses.

The most interesting site of the ruins of ancient state of Loulan may be Sanjian Fang, a three-room building said to be the yamen of the area’s governor. Another site worth mentioning is a pagoda with 10.4 m high, the tallest building in the city.






Miran:An ancient oasis town along the Silk Road

Miran is an ancient oasis town located on the southern rim of the Taklamakan Desert in China, along the famous trade route known as the Silk Road where the Lop Nur desert meets the Altun Shan mountains. Two thousand years ago, a river flowed down from the mountain and Miran had a sophisticated irrigation system. Now the ruined city is a sparsely inhabited dusty spot with poor roads and minimal transportation in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China.

In ancient times, Miran was a busy trading center on the southern part of the Silk Road, after the route split into the northern route and the southern route, as caravans of merchants sought to escape travel across the harsh wasteland of the desert (called by the Chinese"The Death Sea") and the Tarim Basin. They went by going around its north or south rim. It was also a thriving center of Buddhism with many monasteries and stupas.




Niya:A major commercial center on the Silk Road

The ruins of Niya, an ancient site , is located about 115 km north of modern Minfeng Town (also called Niya) on the southern edge of the Tarim Basin in modern-day Xinjiang, China. Niya was once a major commercial center on an oasis on the southern branch of the Silk Road in the southern Taklamakan Desert. During ancient times, camel caravans would cut through, carrying goods from China to Central Asia.

In 1900, Aurel Stein set out on an expedition to western China and the Taklamakan Desert. In Niya he excavated several groups of dwellings, and found 100 wooden tablets written in 105 AD. These tablets bore clay seals, official orders and letters written in Kharoshthi, an early Indic , dating them to the Kushan empire. Other finds include coins and documents dating from the Han dynasty, Roman coins, an ancient mouse trap, a walking stick, part of a guitar, a bow in working order, a carved stool, an elaborately-designed rug and other textile fragments, as well as many other household objects such as wooden furniture with elaborate carving, pottery, Chinese basketry and lacquer ware.

Official approval for joint Sino-Japanese archaeological excavations at the site was given in 1994. Researchers have now found remains of human habitation including approximately 100 dwellings, burial areas, sheds for animals, orchards, gardens, and agricultural fields. They have also found in the dwellings well-preserved tools such as iron axes and sickles, wooden clubs, pottery urns and jars of preserved crops. The human remains found there have led to speculation on the origins of these peoples.Some archeological findings from the ruins of Niya are housed in the Tokyo National Museum. Others are part of the Stein collection in the British Museum, the British Library, and the National Museum in New Delhi.





Loulan Beauty:Delicate in appearance and with goodskin

The greatest discovery in Loulan is without doubt the Loulan female mummy discovered in 1980. Perfectly preserved, delicate in appearance and with good skin, the relic earned the nickname "Loulan Beauty." Experts confirmed that the woman lived some 3,800 years ago. Later, more of such mummies were excavated also reflecting the region’s characteristically dry weather which is an important reason for the preserved bodies. In 1998, the well-preserved body of an infant who died about 4,000 years ago and the remains of an old man who died more than 1,500 years ago, were also unearthed in the area.