
第35章 步行的乐趣

The Pleasure of Walking

佚名 / Anonymous

Walking gives us back our senses. We see, hear, smell the world as we never can when we ride. No matter what vehicle, it is the vehicle that is moving, not ourselves. We are trapped inside its fixed environment, and once we have taken in its sensory aspects—mainly in terms of comfort or discomfort—we turn off our perceptions and either go to sleep or open a magazine and begin dozing in and out.

But when we walk, the environment changes every moment and our senses are continuously being alert. Around each comer of a city block, around each bend in a country road, there is something new to greet the eyes, the ears, the nose. Even the same walk, the one we may take every day, is never the same from one day to another, from one week and season to another.

This is true not only in the country, but everywhere else. In New York City, a group of executives who meet every weekday morning walk from their homes to their offices. Their way takes them through quiet streets of old brownstones, one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city, then up and over the Brooklyn Bridge with its cathedral arches supporting the web-like drapery of cables, then down into the tight skyscraper canyons of the financial district.

On their daily route they see, hear, smell the city in all its seasonal changes, under bright and cloudy skies. Only the most inclement weather stops them—suitably dressed, they can walk with pleasure in spring rains, autumn drizzles, the sunlight of a summer morning or a soft winter snowfall. The river waters roll by below their feet, sullen or sparkling. Tugboats chug past, shoving and hauling their variously laden barges; on a shrouded morning, foghorns hoot and moan. The famous skyline of lower Manhattan rises before them, glittering in the sun, afloat in mist, against a backdrop of sky never twice the same.





1. We are trapped its fixed environment, and we have taken in its sensory aspects-mainly in terms of comfort discomfort—we turn off our perceptions and either go to sleep or a magazine and begin dozing in and out.

2. Even the same , the one we may take every day, is the same from one day to another, from one week and to another.

3. the most inclement weather stops them—suitably dressed, they can walk with pleasure spring rains, autumn drizzles, the sunlight of a summer morning a soft winter snowfall.

1. 散步时对这个世界的所见所闻所感,是乘车时所不曾有的。

2. 他们在每天经过的路上看到、听到、也闻到了纽约在明朗晴空和阴云密布的天空下的四季更迭。

3. 在浓雾迷茫的清晨,雾号有时大声鸣响,有时呜咽呻吟。

1. ...once we have taken in its sensory aspects—mainly in terms of comfort or discomfort...

in terms of:依据;按照;在……方面

2. ...we turn off our perceptions and either go to sleep or open a magazine and begin dozing in and out.

in and out:进进出出;来来去去