
第57章 今天,我好想你

I Missed You Today

佚名 / Anonymous

I missed you today; we couldn’t be together, and I passed the time remembering happy yesterdays spent with you, and anticipating many wonderful tomorrows.

I missed your smile; that subtle yet unmistakable expression of your love that melts away my doubts and fears with its warm, unspoken reassurance, and at the same time gives me a feeling of the happiness and security which only your deep and earnest love can give me.

I missed your touch; the gentle caresses that warm and sooth like nothing else I know.

I missed your embrace; the loving arms that hold me still and let the love flow freely and silently between us.

I missed you today, because you are half of all I am, and though I could live my life alone, life now for me is the constant sharing of our thoughts and feelings, and the unselfish sharing of all our lives experiences.






1. I missed your ; that subtle yet unmistakable expression of your love melts away my doubts and with its warm, unspoken reassurance, and at the same gives me a feeling of the happiness and security which your deep and earnest love give me.

2. I missed you , because you are half of I am, and though I could live my life alone, life now for me is the constant of our thoughts and feelings, and the unselfish sharing all our lives experiences.


1. 今天,我很想你,可我们无法在一起。我回想起有你相伴的快乐昨日,期待着能有更多美好的明天。

2. 你用臂膀静静地拥我入怀,让爱在我们之间自由而无声地流淌。

3. 尽管我能独自生活,但现在,生活对我来说,只是永无止息地分享我们的思绪和感受,无私地分享我们生命中所有的体验。


1. ...that subtle yet unmistakable expression of your love that melts away my doubts and fears with its warm...

melt away:消失;融掉

2. ...and at the same time gives me a feeling of the happiness and security...

a feeling of:……的感觉、情绪