
第33章 山寨的凯旋:山寨手机与中国城市青年(5)

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Shanzhai Mobile Phones and Characteristics of Youths in China

Wu Mei Li Hongye

Abstract:This paper attempts to explore the connection between the popularity of shanzhai(no-name brand)mobile phones among urban youth and their social characteristics in contemporary China.Through qualitative analyses of in-depth interviews both shanzhai and non-shanzhai users and selected online group discussions of shanzhai workers,this connection is examined in five realms:politi-cal attitudes,practical rationale,social values,interest-seeking and self identification.The findings indicate that the youth's attitudes to-wards shanzhai phones are prominently based on practical rationale,followed by their craving for entertainment and fashion.The political orientation of anti-mains tream,anti-authority and anti-brand is not prominent.To use a brand imitation is not so much a vanity issue for social status elevation,as a need of self experience within an afford-able means.Finally,young people who are engaged in the shanzhai industry do form their own cycle and build their identity strongly as-sociated with the“shanzhai”both as a business career and political mission.

Keywords:ncobile,shanzhai mobile phone,chinese urban youth,youth charactor,youth culture