
第105章 名家讲演(7)


会员制仓储超市如Costco and Sam's,销售额达到了大约800亿美元。


许多情况下,单一的重复模式似乎并不合适。Costco中杂志的位置在哪儿?Trade Joe's中的呢?我们需要创造出一种适合的模式。很多增长迅速的新型渠道都不销售杂志的原因非常简单,就是因为我们单一的、千篇一律的分送模式不能满足他们的要求。












到目前为止杂志业还一直在遵循着Yogi Berra的建议:如果在路上看到了一条岔路,就走那条岔路吧。我们想改变这一做法。我们必须确定下来要选择大路——当然是在你们的支持下——我们要把杂志从一种摆设商品变成一种宝贵而充满活力的目标商品。


John Loughlin

TV Guide Publishing Group

American Magazine Conference

October 25,2004

Boca Raton,FL

Good Morning.

Peter certainly got the MPA Board's attention when he presented these eye-opening facts at our retreat in January.Tom Ryder asked John Griffin,President of National Geographic,and me to lead the magazine industry's response,overseeing a number of initiatives aimed at stimulating the retail sector.

Growth Goals

Simply stated,the magazine industry must focus on both changing retailer perception and on-the-ground reality.We must engage in the present and anticipate the future.We must develop new approaches to magazine retailing that incorporate how the retail marketplace behaves today,no less 5 years out.We need to change the industry's traditional,operationally-driven mindset to a new,more strategic focus.We have to convince retailers of magazines'relevance and importance for their customers and their stores,to give magazines the position they deserve.And,we must have a consistent and coherent industry position on the contribution that magazines make to store profitability.

These are serious and demanding goals,but I'm pleased to share some real progress.

What We're Doing

We have six initiatives in support of these goals...First,we have been mobilizing the industry around the task.Second,we have developed a clear message to retail and have begun communicating it broadly in the retail community.Third,we have started strengthening retail relationships through our top-to-top program.We are opening doors and engaging long ignored,but high potential channels such as Costco.We have established and agreed to common performance benchmarks to change retailers'perceptions about the magazine category.

And finally,we have initiated programs that will support and build momentum around efforts to shift the current retail paradigm from Display to Destination.


First,industry mobilization.

Six working groups have been set up,with members broadly representative of the industry.Their objectives were near-term,to define new practices to stimulate growth in existing and emerging channels;and,longer term,to establish industry goals for the next five years.These teams have already put in many hours and a great deal of thought and importantly,demonstrate the industry-wide commitment to improving our collective position at retail.


Initiative 2,clear and consistent communication.

Tom Ryder charged MPA with communicating better with our retail customers the unique role magazines play in stores...selling our product more effectively if you will.

“Magazines Make Connections”launched at the March Retail Conference,presented a new theme to change retailers'perceptions.For the first time it linked together,cogently,the unique assets magazines bring retailers under the theme of“Connections”.

*Connected to customers with buying power and influence through our brands,our content,our relevancy:140 categories to match every consumer passion.

*Connected to stores through a unique logistics and distribution system that handles incredible product complexity and assures freshness.

*Connected to retailers'bottom line,providing value beyond pure profits.

*Connected to the future,through constant innovation and renewal.

What was key to this message is that for the first time,it celebrates the differences of magazines from the rest of the store,rather than apologizing for them.Magazines have unique strengths and we need to aggressively articulate them.Since the Retail Conference in March,this message was extended and amplified through the retail community.

It was reformatted into a 24-page advertising supplement in the FMI issue of Supermarket News,translated into discussion and presentation materials,and has been presented to numerous audiences,notably at major retail industry conferences,such as FMI,NACDS and GMDC.


We've also embarked on a top-to-top program to raise the visibility of magazinesto the top management of our retail customers.With the increasing concentration of buying power,just 23 retailers represent over 80 percent of volume.

How many of us have called on our major retailers?We don't flinch at flying to see Procter&;Gamble at a moment's notice.But,few of us ever make it to Kroger,America's largest supermarket chain,also based in Cincinnati.