
第25章 战后美国对发展中国家发展援助的经济学分析(3)











【2】David A.Baldwin,Economic Development and American foreign Policy,1943—1962,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1966,p.14.


【4】Harry S.Truman,"To the Congress of the United States,"Documentary History of the Truman Presidency,Vol.27,p.108.


【6】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress on Foreign Economic Policy,March30,1954,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1954,pp.363—364.

【7】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress on the Mutual Security Program,February 19,1958,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1958,p.164.

【8】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"The President's News Conference of October28,1959,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1959,p.748.

【9】Burton I.Kaofman,Trade and Aid:Eisenhower's Foreign Economic Policy,1953—1961,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1982,p.136.

【10】Coffin Frank Morey,Witness for Aid,Bosoton Mifflin,1964.p.27.

【11】John F.Kennedy,"White House Hold Conference on Export Expansion,"Department of State Bulletin,October14,1963,pp.597—598.

【12】Adams,Dollar Diplomacy,p.23.

【13】Vernon W.Ruttan,United States Development Assistance Policy:The Domestic Politics of foreign Economic Aid,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1996,pp.14—15.

【14】Adams,Dollar Diplomacy,p.43.



【17】"Partners in Progress,"Documentary History of the Truman Presidency,Vol.27,pp.529—563.

【18】Charles Wolf Jr.,Foreign Aid:Theory and Practice in Southern Asia,New Jersey:Princeton University Press,1960,p.278.

【19】"Editorial Note,"FRUS,1952—1954,Vol.Ⅰ,p.857.

【20】Robert A.Pollard,Economic Security and the Origins of the Cold W ar,New York:Columbia University Press,1985,p.220.

【21】Department of State,American Foreign Policy,1950— 1955:Basic Documents,Vol.Ⅱ,New York:Arno Press,1971,pp.3051—3051.

【22】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Letter to Secretary of the Interior McKay Establishing a Cabinet Committee on Minerals Policy,October 26,1953,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1953,p.713.

【23】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress on Foreign Economic Policy,March30,1954,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1954,p.359.

【24】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Remarks and Address at Dinner of the National Conference on the Foreign Aspects of National Security,February 25,1958,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1958,pp.182—183.

【25】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Address at a Dinner Sponsored by the Committee for International Economic Growth and the Committee To Strengthen the Frontiers of Freedom,May 2,1960,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1960,p.383.

【26】Sergei Y.Shenin,The United States and the Third World:The Origins of Postw ar Relations and the Point Four Program,New York:Nova Science Publishers,Inc,1999,p.125.

【27】Michael A.Heilperin,"Private Means of Implementing Point Four,"Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,Vol.268,March1950,p.58.

【28】"The Secretary of State to President,March14,1949,"FRUS,1949,Vol.Ⅰ,p.779.

【29】Alan Valentine,"Variant Concept of Point Four,"A nnals of the American A cademy of Political and Social Science,Vol.270,July 1950,p.62.

【30】TCA,"First Draft for President International Development Conferment,April 8,1951,"Merrill,Documentary History of the Truman Presidency,Vol.27,p.806.

【31】Truman,"To the Congress of the United States,"Merrill,Documentary History of the Truman Presidency,Vol.27,p.111.

【32】Sergei Y.Shenin,The United States and the Third World:The Origins of Postwar Relations and the Point Four Program,New York:Nova Science Publishers,Inc,1999,p.42.


【34】Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress on Foreign Economic Policy,March 30,1954,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1954,p.358.

【35】"Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State(Smith)to the Administrative Assistant to the President(Hauge),February 10,1954,"FRUS,1952—1954,Vol.Ⅰ,p.52.

【36】Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress on Foreign Economic Policy,March 30,1954,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1954,pp.357—358.

【37】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Memorandum on the Administration of Foreign Aid Programs,November 6,1954,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1954,pp.1020—1021.

【38】David A.Baldwin,Economic Development and American foreign Policy:1943—1962,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1966,p.78.

【39】"Report Prepared by the Foreign Operations Administration,"FRUS,1952—1954,Vol.Ⅰ,p.721.

【40】NSC Action No.1550,DDRS数据库。



【43】OAS,Alliance for Progress:Official Documents Emanating from the Special Meeting of the Inter‐American Economic and Social Council at the Ministerial Level,Held in Punta del Este,Uruguay,f rom August5to17,1961,OEA/Ser.H/XII.1.Rev.2(English),p.13.

【44】Jerome Levinson,Juan de Onis,The A lliance That Lost Its W ay,Chicago:the Twenty Century Fund,Inc.,1970,pp.71—72;Ronald Scheman,eds.,The Alliance for Progress:A Retrospective,New York:Praeger,1988.

【45】Abraham F.Lowenthal,"United States Policy toward Latin America:‘Liberal’,‘Radical’,‘Bureaucratic’Perspectives,"in Latin American Research Review,Fall 1973,p.17.

【46】Hoden & Eric Zolov,Latin American and the United States:A Documentary H istory,pp.238—239.

【47】David Horowitz,"Alliance for Progress,"p.54.

【48】Simon G.Hanson,Dollar Diplomacy Modern Style:Chapters In The Failure Of The Alliance For Progress,Washington D.C.:The Inter‐American Affairs Press,1970,pp.41—42.

【49】Simon G.Hanson,Dollar Diplomacy Modern Style:Chapters In The Failure Of The Alliance For Progress,Washington D.C.:The Inter‐American Affairs Press,1970,p.40.


【51】Goodwin,Richard,Remembering America:a Voice f rom the Sixties,Blithedale Productions Inc,1988,p.245.

【52】Jerome Levinson,and Juan de Onis,The A lliance That Lost Its W ay,Chicago:the Twenty Century Fund,Inc.,1970,p.88;Scheman,Ronald,eds.,The Alliance for Progress:A Retrospective,New York:Praeger,1988,p.80.

【53】Walter LaFebre,"the Alliances in Retrospect,"Andrew Maguire & Janet Welsh Brown,ed.:Bordering on Trouble:Resources and Politics in Latin America,Bethesda Maryland:Adler & Adler,1986,p.350.

【54】Jerome Levinson,Juan de Onis,The Alliance That Lost Its Way,Chicago:the Twenty Century Fund,Inc.,1970,p.145.

【55】Scheman,Ronald,eds.,The Alliance for Progress:A Retrospective,New York:Praeger,1988,p.80.


【57】Lincoln Gordon,"The Foreign Assistance Program for Latin America in 1967,"Department of State Bulletin,June20,1966,p.981.

【58】Lincoln Gordon,A New Deal For Latin America:The Alliance For Progress,Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1963,p.122.

【59】Jack H.Vaughn,"U.S.Trade Policy in Latin America,"Department of State Bulletin,October 4,1965,p.564.

【60】Humphrey,"75th Anniversary of the Organization of American States:The Record of the Inter‐American System,"in The Department of State Bulletin,May 10,1965,p.730.

【61】Lincoln Gordon,"Inter‐American Cooperation:The Road Ahead,"Department of State Bulletin,December 26,1966,p.949.

【62】Anthony M.Solomon,"The Economic Integration of Latin America,"Department of State Bulletin,October23,1967,p.535.

【63】"Operations of the Inter American Development Bank During the Period July 1—December31,1964,"American Foreign Policy:Current Documents,1964,p.425.

【64】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period January 1—June 30,1965,"American Foreign Policy:Current Documents,1965,p.1016.

【65】"Operations of the Inter American Development Bank During the Period July 1,1965—June30,1966,"American Foreign Policy:Current Documents,1966,pp.293—294.

【66】"It is Our Policy...in Their Own Way,"American Foreign Policy:Current Documents,1965,p.1033.

【67】Lyndon B.Johnson,"The Alliance for Progress:A New Kind of Revolution,"Department of State Bulletin,September5,1966,p.332.

【68】Lincoln Gordon,"The Foreign Program for Latin America in 1967,"Department of State Bulletin,June20,1966,p.980.

【69】"Operations of the Inter‐American Development Bank During the Period July 1,1966—June30,1967,"American Foreign Policy:Current Documents,1967,p.670.
