
第11章 旅游出行(2)

0635:请坐好扶稳。Please hold fast and sit securely.

0636:车上人多请注意保管好自己的物品。The bus is crowed please take care of your belongings.

0637:请在站台较前位置候车,谢谢。Please move along

the platform towards the front of the train.Thank you.

0638:从这儿乘地铁到曼哈顿很方便。It’s easy to get toManhattan from here by the subway.

0639:地铁车门是自动开关的,请当心。Be careful subwaydoors open and close automatically.

0640:我找不到地铁入口。I can’t find the subway entrance.


0641:我们坐的那趟车停在哪个站台?At which platform isour train?

0642:我们是直达还是要转车?Can we go direct or do wehave to change?

0643:你能告诉我去站台怎么走吗?Could you tell me howto go to the platform?

0644:请问列车在西藏南路站停吗?Does the train stop atSouth Xizang Road?

0645:这班地铁多长时间来一次?How frequent is thissubway service?

0646:去美术馆乘哪条地铁?Which line do I take for the ArtGallery?

0647:换乘地铁还要付费吗?Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains?

0648:我们在哪儿付车费?Where do we pay the fare?

0649:是在这一站换乘吗?Is it the right station to change?

0650:请问我在哪儿换乘地铁二号线?Where do I change to the Second Line?

0651:请问这附近有地铁吗?Is there any subway nearby?

0652:坐地铁要花多长时间?How long will it take by subway?

0653:去图书馆应该走哪个出口?Which exit is for the library?

0654:这是去环线地铁的换乘站吗?Is this the transfer station for the loop line?有问有答0655:你能告诉我去曼哈顿怎么走吗?Can you tell me how to get to Manhattan?

您可以乘地铁。You can take the subway.

0656:顺便问一下,我下车后怎么出站台呢?By the way,how can I get out of the platform after I get off the


那很容易,出口处总是敞开着。That’s very easy.Theexit is always open.

0657:您知道最近的地铁车站在哪儿吗?Do you knowwhere the nearest subway station is?

就在街对面电影院的前面。It’s over there across thestreet in front of the cinema.

0658:这就是去曼哈顿的地铁吗?Is this the right subway toManhattan?

是的,您在南线站乘D路车一共三站路。Yes,youtake the D train on the downtown platform and go threestops.

0659:先生,这是去往中央公园的地铁吗?Sir,is this theright subway to central park?

你坐反了。You are in the opposite direction.


0660:如果你能帮忙的话,我很高兴。I’d be glad if you could help.

0661:你真帮了我大忙了,多谢。You’ve been a great help.Thanks a lot.

0662:你在这儿坐出租车比较好。It would be better for you to take a taxi here.

0663:您坐出租车会快得多。You take a taxi more quickly.

0664:我已经开了5年的出租车了,对这座城市的每一条街道都非常清楚。I have driven a taxi for five years.I know every street of this city.

0665:我确信你一定会很满意我的服务的。I am sure you will be satisfied with my service.


费要贵点。If we go there by way of the expressway itonly takes 15minutes.But it will cost you more money.


0667:我可以帮你提行李吗?May I help you with your bagluggage?

0668:车怎么发动不起来了?What’s the matter?The car justcan’t start.

0669:你觉得喝酒后能开车吗?Are you sure you ought todrink when you are driving?

0670:你需要一辆出租车到酒店请购物中心?Do you needa taxi to the hotel please shopping center?

0671:乘客能用什么方式反映他们的意见呢?How can thepassengers express their advices?

0672:你能够告诉我最近的一条路吗?Could you tell me theshortest way point?


0673:需要帮忙吗?Let me help you,may I?

谢谢。你真是太好了。Thank you.That would be very kind of you.

0674:请您把车窗摇上来好吗?风有点凉。Would you be so kind as to roll your window up a little,The wind is just a little bit chilly.

哦,对不起。我马上关。Oh,I’m sorry,I’ll close it.

0675:早上好,先生。需要打车吗?Good morning sir,Would you like to go by taxi?

对不起,不需要。路很近,我走路去就行了。谢谢。Sorry,no need,It’s quite close.I can walk there.Thank you.

0676:为什么不坐出租车呢?Why not take a taxi instead?

好主意。我时间不够了。Good idea.I don’t have enough time.

0677:附近没有酒店。您怎么去呢?There isn’t a hotel near here.How can you get there?

打车。Take a taxi.

0678:我是白云公司的一名出租车司机。I am a taxi driver from Baiyun Company.

你好,我叫约翰。这是我第一次来中国。Hello,My name is John.This is the fist time I came to China.

0679:你来广州出差吗?Do you come to Guangzhou forbusiness?


0680:你逗留多少天?How many days will you stay?

只呆三天。Only three days.

0681:去哪里,先生。Where to sir?

请去中国大酒店。The China Hotel please.

0682:要多长时间才能到?How long will it take?

大概30分钟以内就可赶到了,还要看交通情况。Wecan make it in 30minutes.It depends on the traffic.

0683:司机,请开快一点。我赶时间。Driver,please hurry.

I’m pressed for time.

好的。先生。All right sir.


0684:我们去北京的列车有很多,慢车、普快、直快、特快和旅游列车都有。We have many trains going to Beijing,the local train,the fast train,the through train,the express train,and the tourist train.

0685:我要两张10点的头等快车票。Two first class tickets on express at ten,please.

0686:请给我一张去北京的单程票。Please give me a one-way ticket to Beijing.

0687:我们只有5分多钟,最好快点。We have five more minutes.We had better hurry.

0688:可能还来得及。Perhaps we will make it.

0689:这班火车要晚十分钟才能到。The train will be about ten minutes behind time.

0690:我要两张软卧下铺票。Two cushioned lower berths,


0691:我想我晕车了。I think it’s motion sickness.

0692:我们马上就要到站了。We will be at the station in aminute.

0693:我们把手提箱子放到架子上。Let’s put our suitcaseson the rack.

0694:我想要靠走道的座位。I prefer the aisle seat here.


0695:请你告诉我售票处在哪里好吗?Would you tell mewhere is the booking office /the ticket window?

0696:340次列车每天几点发车?What time does the No.340train leave every day?

0697:请问去340次列车应该去哪个站台?Which platform isfor the No.340train?

0698:请问到北京有特快火车吗?Excuse me is there anyexpress train to Beijing?

0699:这列火车在我们这站停留几分钟?How long does thistrain stay at the station?

0700:这个座位有人坐吗?Is this seat vacant?

0701:我走开时请你帮我保留这个座位好吗?Will youplease keep this seat for me while I am away?

0702:这班火车什么时候到北京?What time is the train due to Beijing?

0703:请问这列车上有餐厅吗?Is there any dinning car on the train?

0704:我们是不是应该在停车前把行李拿下来?Shall we get the luggage down before it stops.


0705:我想买两张明天的到上海的软卧票。I’d like to have two soft berth tickets to Shanghai for tomorrow.

好的,加上手续费一共1200元。OK,It comes to 1,200yuan including service fee.

0706:我可以要两张下铺吗?May I have two lower berths?

对不起,我们通常上下铺搭配在一起卖。Sorry,We usually pair the upper and lower together to sell.

0707:我们在第几车厢?Which car are we in?

14车厢。The 14Car.