
第17章 公共服务(2)


1028:我想理个发。I’d like to have my hair cut.

1029:稍微修理一下。A little off the top.

1030:我想理发和修面。I want a haircut and a shave,please.

1031:面部美容大都是先彻底清洁面部皮肤。Most facials start with a thorough cleansing.

1032:我要做半小时美容外加化妆。I’ll take the half-hour facial with make-up.

1033:请在这里躺下,稍等我去做准备。Please lie down here,wait me to do the next to prepare.

1034:你的皮肤太干了,应该多补水。Your skin is too dry.You’d better use some hydrating products.

1035:这是我第一次来美容院。This is my first time coming to a beauty salon.


You can try our hydrating package.It has good effects.

1037:你买了套装,可以免费到我们这里来做护肤。Youcan have skin care here for free if you buy it.

1038:我还想染个头发。I’d love to have my hair dyed,too.


1039:您要不要修面或洗头?Would you like a shave or shampoo?

1040:您喜欢什么发式?How would you like your haircut,sir?

1041:要我为您修剪一下小胡子吗?Do you want me to trim your moustache?

1042:要我为您修剪一下小胡子吗?Do you want me to trim your moustache?

1043:您喜欢什么颜色?What color would you like?

1044:您想修眉吗?Do you want me to trim your eyebrows?


1045:您想理什么式样的?How do you want it?

修剪一下就行了。两边剪短些,但后面不要剪得太多。Just a trim,and cut the sides fairly short,but not so much at the back.

1046:还要我为您做些什么吗?Anything else I can do for you?

我想做面部美容。I want a facial.

1047:您好,有什么我可以帮你的?Hello,what can I help you with?

你好,我预订了一个美容,留的名字是柳。Hi,I have a reserved for beauty treatment,under the name Liu.

1048:你预约的是今天下午两点,现在开始么?You make an appoitement is today 2pm.start now?




1049:我要看病。I’d like to see a doctor.

1050:我觉得身体不舒服。I’m not feeling well.

1051:我没服用任何药。I’m not taking any medication.

1052:她昏过去了。She passed out.

1053:我觉得难受。I feel sick.

1054:我肚子疼。I have a stomachache.

1055:隐隐作痛。I have a dull pain.

1056:钻心地疼。I have a sharp pain.

1057:一跳一跳地疼。I have a throbbing pain.

1058:我感到巨痛。I have a piercing pain.

1059:像针扎似地疼。I have a stabbing pain.

1060:我拉肚子了。I have diarrhea.

1061:我食物中毒了。I have food poisoning.

1062:血压高/低。I have high/low blood pressure.

1063:我牙疼。I have a toothache.

1064:我有点儿感冒。I have a slight cold.

1065:我得了重感冒。I have a bad cold.

1066:鼻子堵了。I have a stuffy nose.

1067:我在流鼻涕。I have a runny nose.

1068:我有点儿发烧。I have a bit of a fever.

1069:我把手给烫了。I burned my hand.

1070:你把感冒传染给我了。I caught a cold from you.

1071:我必须静养。I must stay in bed.

1072:我咳嗽不止。I can’t stop coughing.

1073:我退烧了。My fever has gone down.

1074:他去世了。He passed away.有疑必问

1075:你能帮我请位医生吗?Could you send me a doctor?

1076:是什么症状?What are your symptoms?

1077:量一下体温吧。Let me check your temperature.

1078:吃了什么不对劲的东西没有?Did you eat something unusual?

1079:量一下血压吧。Let me check your blood pressure.

1080:你常服用什么药?Are you taking any medicationregularly?

1081:我哪儿不好?What’s wrong with me?

1082:严重吗?Is it serious?

1083:你不舒服吗?Are you feeling okay?

1084:要花很长时间吗?Will it take long?

1085:我可以洗澡吗?Can I take a bath?

1086:我一定要住院吗?Should I be hospitalized?


1087:用叫医生吗?Do you need a doctor?

是的,请叫医生吧。Yes,I think so.

1088:需要帮忙吗?Do you need any help?

请叫救护车。Please call an ambulance.

1089:你怎么了?What’s wrong?

我觉得身体有些不舒服。I’m not feeling well.

1090:你的脸色很难看。没事吧?You look pale.Are youokay?

我想可能是有点儿累了。I guess I’m just tired.

1091:我觉得难受。I don’t feel well.

你坐会儿吧。Please sit down for a while.

1092:你好像不太舒服。You don’t look well.

我感冒了。I have a cold.

1093:我肚子疼。I have a stomachache.

是不是吃多了?Did you eat too much?

1094:你怎么了?What happened,sir?

我头疼。I have a headache.

1095:我浑身发冷。I feel chilly.

给,穿上我的夹克吧。Here,wear my jacket.

1096:我好像发烧了。I think I have a fever.

量量体温。Let’s check.

1097:要打多长时间石膏?How long will the cast be on?

还得有一个月。One more month.

1098:要动手术吗?Do I need an operation?

我想没必要。I don’t think that will be necessary.

1099:怎么样了?How do you feel?

我觉得好多了,谢谢。I feel better now.Thank you.