
第22章 情感表达(2)


1460:怎么了?你好像很伤心。What’s the matter?You looksad.

没什么。我只是累了。Nothing.I’m just tired.

1461:你担心什么呢?What’s on your mind?

我担心你。I was worried about you.

1462:你看上去很严肃。You look serious.

这事很严重。This is important.

1463:你怎么如此忧郁呀?Why are you so glum?

女朋友刚跟我吹了。My girlfriend just dumped me.

1464:哦,天哪!哦,不!我该怎么办呀!Oh my God!

Oh,no!What am I going to do!

镇静些!Just calm down.

1465:我觉得你太紧张。I think you’re nervous.

没有,我不紧张。No,I’m not nervous!


1466:我真不该那样。I shouldn’t have done it.

1467:那是一个错误。That was a mistake.

1468:我失败了。I blew it.

1469:这次我真的给搞砸了。I really screwed up this time.

1470:我真的搞得一团糟。I really messed up.

1471:我早该弄清楚一些。I should have known better.

1472:我太不粗心了。It was careless of me to do so.

1473:我后悔那么做。I regret doing that.

1474:我要是再用功点就好了。I wish I had studied harder.

1475:我后悔没有更努力学习。I regret not studying harder.

1476:我要是问他一下就好了。I should have asked him.

1477:不留神给忘了。It slipped my mind.

1478:我全忘了。I forgot all about it.


1479:你为什么开我的车?Why did you drive my car?

1480:那你为什么不问呢?Why didn’t you ask?

1481:你没忘了告诉她吧?Did you remember to tell her?


1482:我要是不那么说就好了。I shouldn’t have said that.

现在后悔也晚了。It’s too late now.

1483:他已经结婚了。He’s married.

我早该知道了。I should have known.

1484:你不该那样做。You shouldn’t have done that.

我知道,我做得太过分了。I know,I went too far.

1485:你约她了吗?Did you ask her out?

没有,我太紧张了。No,I was too nervous.


1486:太遗憾了!What bad luck!

1487:下次一定会走运的!Better luck next time!

1488:这种事谁都会遇到。It happens to the best of us.

1489:不必为那事烦恼。There’s no need to worry about it.

1490:别想那么多。Don’t give it another thought.

1491:这不算什么。This is nothing.

1492:还有比这更糟的呢!It could have been worse.

1493:别那么自暴自弃。Don’t feel so bad about yourself.

1494:别哭了。Don’t cry.

1495:擦擦眼泪。Wipe your tears.

1496:打起精神来!Come on!

1497:你要看好的一面。Look on the bright side.

1498:别那么想不开。Take it easy!

1499:重新振作起来。Pull yourself together!

1500:尽你最大努力!Do your best!

1501:只要你想做,你就一定能做得到。You can doanything if you really want to.

1502:想做你一定能做得到。You can do anything if youreally want to.

1503:别害怕。Don’t be afraid.


1504:你为什么这么说呢?What makes you say that?

1505:你怎么闷闷不乐的呀?Why the long face?

1506:我们就不能好好谈谈吗?Can’t we talk it over?


1507:我真的太对不起你了。I’m really sorry!

没什么。Never mind.

1508:真对不起,我来晚了。I’m sorry,I’m late.

没事儿。That’s all right.

1509:都是我弄错了。It’s all my fault!

别责备自己了。Don’t blame yourself.

1510:那件事我做的真不好。I feel really bad about it.

别担心了,那是常有的事。Don’t worry,it happens.

1511:您就住下吧。You’re welcome to stay.

不,我不想给您添麻烦。I don’t want to put you out.

1512:对不起,我明天不能和你一起去打网球。Sorry,I can’t play tennis with you tomorrow.

没什么,我问约翰能不能去。No big deal.I’ll ask John to play.

1513:那真是部糟糕的电影。That was a bad movie.

这还算好的呢。I’ve seen worse.

1514:我不知道该怎么办!I don’t know what to do!

一切都会顺利的。Everything will be fine.

1515:振作起来!Cheer up!

我会的。I’ll try.

1516:我是不是该约她出去?Should I ask her out?

是呀,勇敢点儿!Yeah,go for it!

1517:我是不是该约她出去?Should I ask her out?

是呀,勇敢点儿!Yeah,go for it!

1518:我的考分很低。My test score was low.

下次再努力吧。Try harder next time.

1519:我不行了。I can’t do it anymore.

坚持下去!Keep at it!

1520:这台机器很难操作。This machine is too difficult tooperate.

你可以的!You can do it!

1521:我真的很痛苦。I feel so sad.

别灰心!Keep your chin up!

1522:我做不了,我不行。I can’t do it,I can’t!

振作起来,杰克!Get it together,Jack!

1523:我想我不行。I don’t think I can.

你试试看。Just try it.


1524:别再辩解了!No more excuses!

1525:别看不起人。Don’t look down upon others.

1526:怎么那么厚颜无耻!How impolite!

1527:你放肆!What nerve!

1528:别把我当傻瓜。Don’t think you can make a fool out of me!

1529:你拿我开涮呢。You’re ****** fun of me.

1530:你别侮辱人。Don’t insult me.

1531:别用那种眼神看着我!Don’t look at me like that!


1532:你到底在想什么呢?What’s the big idea?

1533:你少命令我!Don’t tell me what to do!

1534:你气死我了!I’m mad at you!

1535:你是不是在那我开涮呀?Are you trying to make a fool out of me?

1536:你知道你是在对谁说话吗?Who do you think you’retalking to?

1537:你疯啦?Are you crazy?


1538:可是,我不会呀!But I can’t.

不要找借口,你今天必须完成。No ifs,ands or buts!

You must finish it today.

1539:可是我一点办法也没有!But I can’t help it.

我不想再听你的辩解了。I’ve heard enough of your excuses.

1540:哈!哈!摔倒了呀。Ha,ha,you fell down.

别取笑我!Don’t make fun of me.

1541:他说的话多气人呀。What he says offends me.

我理解你的心情。I know what you mean.

1542:那可是件好事呀。It’s a great deal.

我又不是不懂。I wasn’t born yesterday.

1543:给五万,我就干!I’ll do it for ¥50,000.

你还真来劲!You’re pushing your luck.

1544:你要不帮我,我就把你交给警方。If you don’t helpme,I’ll turn you in.

你这是恐吓。That’s blackmail!

1545:我把钱借给他了。I lent him money.

你会后悔的。You’ll be sorry.