
第27章 闲暇聊天(1)


1834:今天真热呀!It’s very hot today,isn’t it?

1835:天气炎热。It’s blistering hot.

1836:今天的天气真好!It’s a fine day today.

1837:好像要下雨。We’re expecting some rain.

1838:我听说可能要下雨。I heard it might rain.

1839:下雨了。It’s raining.

1840:今天会下雨吧!It’s going to rain today.

1841:今天很热。It’s hot today.

1842:今天很暖和。It’s warm today.

1843:今天冷嗖嗖的。It’s chilly today.

1844:今天风很大。It’s windy today.

1845:气候干燥。It’s dry.

1846:今天像要下雨。It’s wet today.

1847:今天将有暴风雨。There is going to be a storm today.

1848:天阴沉沉的。It’s gloomy.

1849:阴天。It’s cloudy.

1850:看样子我们会遇上雷阵雨。It looks like we are goingto have a thunder shower.

1851:起雾了。It’s foggy.

1852:冷得像要结冰了。It’s freezing.

1853:今天非常寒冷。It’s very cold today.

1854:快要下暴风雨了。We’re going to have a blizzard.

1855:这天真舒服。It’s pleasant.

1856:这天真舒服。It’s comfortable.

1857:真是个好天气。It’s a nice day.

1858:今天风和日丽。It’s mild today.

1859:雾蒙蒙的。It’s misty.

1860:糟糕的天气。It’s miserable.

1861:我怕热。I’m sensitive to heat.

1862:今天风和日丽。It’s breezy today.

1863:今天的天气让人不舒服。It’s uncomfortable today.

1864:热死我了。The heat is killing me.

1865:下了瓢泼大雨。It’s raining cats and dogs!

1866:下霜了。It’s frosty today.


1867:明天的天气怎么样?What will the weather be liketomorrow?

1868:今天的天气怎么样?How’s the weather today?

1869:今天会下雨吗?Is it going to rain today?


1870:明天的天气怎么样?What’s the forecast for tomorrow?

会冷吧。It’s going to be cold.

1871:今天真冷。It’s cold today.

就是。It sure is.

1872:今天好闷啊!It’s really humid today.

是呀,我浑身都是汗。Yeah,my body is sweaty.

1873:下雪了。It’s snowing.

太好了!我们去滑雪吧。Yeah!Let’s go skiing.

1874:干嘛往窗户上贴胶条?Why are you taping your windows?

台风快到了。A typhoon is coming.

1875:我们去做日光浴吧。Let’s go sunbathing.

可是,今天天阴。But,it’s overcast today.



1876:我喜欢看电影。I like to watch movies.

1877:你钢琴弹得真好。You’re a good pianist.

1878:我只是喜欢看。I only watch.

1879:我是棒球迷。I’m a baseball fan.

1880:我喜欢打高尔夫球。I like to play golf.

1881:我从没做过。I’ve never done that.

1882:我可是头一次。That was the first time for me.


1883:你有点什么爱好吗?Do you have any hobbies?

1884:业余时间你都干什么?What do you do when you havefree time?

1885:你喜欢哪种运动?What kind of sports do you like?

1886:你滑了多长时间雪了?How long have you been skiing?

1887:你练习过健美操吗?Have you done aerobics before?

1888:你对什么感兴趣?What kind of things are you interested in?


1889:你有什么爱好?What are your hobbies?

我的爱好是美术。I play art.

1890:你喜欢看什么样的电影?What kind of movies do you like?

什么都爱看。Any kind.

1891:你打棒球吗?Do you play baseball?

不,我只是喜欢看。No,I just like to watch.

1892:你对什么感兴趣?What are your interests?

我对棒球感兴趣。I’m interested in baseball.

1893:你去国外旅行过吗?Have you ever traveled abroad?


1894:你去哪儿了?Where have you been?

我去美国和德国了。I’ve been to the U.S.andGermany.

1895:她练过健美操吗?Has she ever done aerobics?

怎么可能!No way.

1896:下次你想去哪儿?Where do you want to go next?

没有什么特别的地方。No place particular.


1897:我在一家电脑公司工作。I work for a computer company.

1898:我是国家公务员。I’m a government employee.

1899:我是个体经营者。I’m self-employed.

1900:我是个工作狂。I’m a workaholic.

1901:工作就是工作。Business is business.

1902:他是个努力工作的人。He’s a hard worker.

1903:你超负荷工作了。You’re overworking.

1864:我有很多事要做。I’ve got so much to do.

1905:瞧我桌上堆了一堆的事儿。There’s a lot of work piled up on my desk.

1906:全都做完了。All done!

1907:正好工作刚做完。I’ve just finished work.

1908:今天发工资。Today is payday.

1909:我是个普通的公司职员。I’m a regular office worker.

1910:这个工作不吃力。It’s an easy job.

1911:西区由我负责。I take charge of the west side.

1912:我还能工作好多年呢。I’ll be able to work for manymore years.

1913:我忙得四脚朝天。I’m so busy,I’d really appreciateany help I could get.

1914:我正在调工作。I’m changing jobs.

1915:我正在找工作。I’m job hunting now.

1916:我明年退休。I’m retiring next year.

1917:我现在失业了。I’m out of work now.

1918:今天必须完成这份报告。Finish this report today!


1919:报告截至到几号?When is the paper due?

1920:你在哪个部门工作?Which department do you workfor?

1921:你的公司在哪儿?Where is your company?

1922:上下班路上要花多长时间?How long does it take(you)to commute?

1923:这个工作你做了多长时间了?How long have you been doing that job?



再见。悠着点儿。Bye.Don’t work too hard.

1925:这个计划还得找人帮忙。I need more help with the project.

那,你可以找我呀。Well,you can count on me.

1926:工作怎么样?How is work?

连喘口气的工夫都没有。I don’t even have time to catch my breath.

1927:你了解他的背景吗?Do you know his background?

我一点儿也不了解。I know very little about him.

1928:你怎么去上班?How do you get to work?

我坐地铁。I ride the subway.



1929:现在英特网非常火热。The internet is all the rage atthe moment.

1930:我认为上网聊天是在浪费时间、精力和金钱。I thinkchatting on line is a waste of time,energy and money.

1931:英特网有很多好处。The internet has many advantages. 1932:我的电脑不能上网了。My computer can’t get accessto the internet.

1933:有很多关于这方面的网站。There are a lot of websitesabout that.