书城公版The Miserable World

第203章 PART TWO(88)

In fact,we are all saints here;all the difference between them and me is that they sayour cell,'and that I saymy cabin.'

The prayers for the dying are to be said,and then the prayers for the dead.

We shall be at peace here for to-day;but I will not answer for to-morrow.'

'Still,'observed Jean Valjean,'this cottage is in the niche of the wall,it is hidden by a sort of ruin,there are trees,it is not visible from the convent.'

'And I add that the nuns never come near it.'

'Well?'said Jean Valjean.

The interrogation mark which accentuated this'well'signified:'it seems to me that one may remain concealed here?'

It was to this interrogation point that Fauchelevent responded:——

'There are the little girls.'

'What little girls?'asked Jean Valjean.

Just as Fauchelevent opened his mouth to explain the words which he had uttered,a bell emitted one stroke.

'The nun is dead,'said he.

'There is the knell.'

And he made a sign to Jean Valjean to listen.

The bell struck a second time.

'It is the knell,Monsieur Madeleine.

The bell will continue to strike once a minute for twenty-four hours,until the body is taken from the church.——You see,they play.

At recreation hours it suffices to have a ball roll aside,to send them all hither,in spite of prohibitions,to hunt and rummage for it all about here.Those cherubs are devils.'

'Who?'asked Jean Valjean.

'The little girls.

You would be very quickly discovered.They would shriek:

Oh!a man!'

There is no danger to-day.There will be no recreation hour.

The day will be entirely devoted to prayers.

You hear the bell.

As I told you,a stroke each minute.It is the death knell.'

'I understand,Father Fauchelevent.

There are pupils.'

And Jean Valjean thought to himself:——

'Here is Cosette's education already provided.'

Fauchelevent exclaimed:——


There are little girls indeed!

And they would bawl around you!

And they would rush off!

To be a man here is to have the plague.

You see how they fasten a bell to my paw as though I were a wild beast.'

Jean Valjean fell into more and more profound thought.——'This convent would be our salvation,'he murmured.

Then he raised his voice:——

'Yes,the difficulty is to remain here.'

'No,'said Fauchelevent,'the difficulty is to get out.'

Jean Valjean felt the blood rush back to his heart.

'To get out!'

'Yes,Monsieur Madeleine.

In order to return here it is first necessary to get out.'

And after waiting until another stroke of the knell had sounded,Fauchelevent went on:——

'You must not be found here in this fashion.

Whence come you?For me,you fall from heaven,because I know you;but the nuns require one to enter by the door.'

All at once they heard a rather complicated pealing from another bell.

'Ah!'said Fauchelevent,'they are ringing up the vocal mothers.They are going to the chapter.

They always hold a when any one dies.

She died at daybreak.

People generally do die at daybreak.But cannot you get out by the way in which you entered?

Come,I do not ask for the sake of questioning you,but how did you get in?'

Jean Valjean turned pale;the very thought of descending again into that terrible street made him shudder.

You make your way out of a forest filled with tigers,and once out of it,imagine a friendly counsel that shall advise you to return thither!Jean Valjean pictured to himself the whole police force still engaged in swarming in that quarter,agents on the watch,sentinels everywhere,frightful fists extended towards his collar,Javert at the corner of the intersection of the streets perhaps.

'Impossible!'said he.

'Father Fauchelevent,say that I fell from the sky.'

'But I believe it,I believe it,'retorted Fauchelevent.'You have no need to tell me that.

The good God must have taken you in his hand for the purpose of getting a good look at you close to,and then dropped you.

Only,he meant to place you in a man's convent;he made a mistake.

Come,there goes another peal,that is to order the porter to go and inform the municipality that the dead-doctor is to come here and view a corpse.

All that is the ceremony of dying.These good ladies are not at all fond of that visit.

A doctor is a man who does not believe in anything.

He lifts the veil.Sometimes he lifts something else too.

How quickly they have had the doctor summoned this time!

What is the matter?

Your little one is still asleep.

What is her name?'


'She is your daughter?

You are her grandfather,that is?'


'It will be easy enough for her to get out of here.

I have my service door which opens on the courtyard.

I knock.

The porter opens;I have my vintage basket on my back,the child is in it,I go out.Father Fauchelevent goes out with his basket——that is perfectly natural.You will tell the child to keep very quiet.

She will be under the cover.I will leave her for whatever time is required with a good old friend,a fruit-seller whom I know in the Rue Chemin-Vert,who is deaf,and who has a little bed.

I will shout in the fruit-seller's ear,that she is a niece of mine,and that she is to keep her for me until to-morrow.Then the little one will re-enter with you;for I will contrive to have you re-enter.It must be done.But how will you manage to get out?'

Jean Valjean shook his head.

'No one must see me,the whole point lies there,Father Fauchelevent.Find some means of getting me out in a basket,under cover,like Cosette.'

Fauchelevent scratched the lobe of his ear with the middle finger of his left hand,a sign of serious embarrassment.

A third peal created a diversion.

'That is the dead-doctor taking his departure,'said Fauchelevent.'He has taken a look and said:

She is dead,that is well.'When the doctor has signed the passport for paradise,the undertaker's company sends a coffin.

If it is a mother,the mothers lay her out;if she is a sister,the sisters lay her out.

After which,I nail her up.

That forms a part of my gardener's duty.