书城公版The Miserable World

第225章 PART THREE(7)

It imposes its caricatures as well as its ideal on people;the highest monuments of human civilization accept its ironies and lend their eternity to its mischievous pranks.It is superb;it has a prodigious 14th of July,which delivers the globe;it forces all nations to take the oath of tennis;its night of the 4th of August dissolves in three hours a thousand years of feudalism;it makes of its logic the muscle of unanimous will;it multiplies itself under all sorts of forms of the sublime;it fills with its light Washington,Kosciusko,Bolivar,Bozzaris,Riego,Bem,Manin,Lopez,John Brown,Garibaldi;it is everywhere where the future is being lighted up,at Boston in 1779,at the Isle de Leon in 1820,at Pesth in 1848,at Palermo in 1860,it whispers the mighty countersign:

Liberty,in the ear of the American abolitionists grouped about the boat at Harper's Ferry,and in the ear of the patriots of Ancona assembled in the shadow,to the Archi before the Gozzi inn on the seashore;it creates Canaris;it creates Quiroga;it creates Pisacane;it irradiates the great on earth;it was while proceeding whither its breath urge them,that Byron perished at Missolonghi,and that Mazet died at Barcelona;it is the tribune under the feet of Mirabeau,and a crater under the feet of Robespierre;its books,its theatre,its art,its science,its literature,its philosophy,are the manuals of the human race;it has Pascal,Regnier,Corneille,Descartes,Jean-Jacques:Voltaire for all moments,Moliere for all centuries;it makes its language to be talked by the universal mouth,and that language becomes the word;it constructs in all minds the idea of progress,the liberating dogmas which it forges are for the generations trusty friends,and it is with the soul of its thinkers and its poets that all heroes of all nations have been made since 1789;this does not prevent vagabondism,and that enormous genius which is called Paris,while transfiguring the world by its light,sketches in charcoal Bouginier's nose on the wall of the temple of Theseus and writes Credeville the thief on the Pyramids.

Paris is always showing its teeth;when it is not scolding it is laughing.

Such is Paris.

The smoke of its roofs forms the ideas of the universe.A heap of mud and stone,if you will,but,above all,a moral being.It is more than great,it is immense.


Because it is daring.

To dare;that is the price of progress.

All sublime conquests are,more or less,the prizes of daring.In order that the Revolution should take place,it does not suffice that Montesquieu should foresee it,that Diderot should preach it,that Beaumarchais should announce it,that Condorcet should calculate it,that Arouet should prepare it,that Rousseau should premeditate it;it is necessary that Danton should dare it.

The cry:

Audacity!is a Fiat lux.

It is necessary,for the sake of the forward march of the human race,that there should be proud lessons of courage permanently on the heights.

Daring deeds dazzle history and are one of man's great sources of light.The dawn dares when it rises.

To attempt,to brave,to persist,to persevere,to be faithful to one's self,to grasp fate bodily,to astound catastrophe by the small amount of fear that it occasions us,now to affront unjust power,again to insult drunken victory,to hold one's position,to stand one's ground;that is the example which nations need,that is the light which electrifies them.The same formidable lightning proceeds from the torch of Prometheus to Cambronne's short pipe.



As for the Parisian populace,even when a man grown,it is always the street Arab;to paint the child is to paint the city;and it is for that reason that we have studied this eagle in this arrant sparrow.It is in the faubourgs,above all,we maintain,that the Parisian race appears;there is the pure blood;there is the true physiognomy;there this people toils and suffers,and suffering and toil are the two faces of man.

There exist there immense numbers of unknown beings,among whom swarm types of the strangest,from the porter of la Rapee to the knacker of Montfaucon.

Fex urbis,exclaims Cicero;mob,adds Burke,indignantly;rabble,multitude,populace.

These are words and quickly uttered.

But so be it.

What does it matter?What is it to me if they do go barefoot!

They do not know how to read;so much the worse.

Would you abandon them for that?

Would you turn their distress into a malediction?

Cannot the light penetrate these masses?

Let us return to that cry:

Light!and let us obstinately persist therein!



Who knows whether these opacities will not become transparent?

Are not revolutions transfigurations?Come,philosophers,teach,enlighten,light up,think aloud,speak aloud,hasten joyously to the great sun,fraternize with the public place,announce the good news,spend your alphabets lavishly,proclaim rights,sing the Marseillaises,sow enthusiasms,tear green boughs from the oaks.

Make a whirlwind of the idea.This crowd may be rendered sublime.

Let us learn how to make use of that vast conflagration of principles and virtues,which sparkles,bursts forth and quivers at certain hours.

These bare feet,these bare arms,these rags,these ignorances,these abjectnesses,these darknesses,may be employed in the conquest of the ideal.Gaze past the people,and you will perceive truth.

Let that vile sand which you trample under foot be cast into the furnace,let it melt and seethe there,it will become a splendid crystal,and it is thanks to it that Galileo and Newton will discover stars.