
第50章 商务合同(14)


(a)买方业务经营,财产和资产(据买方所知,经买方允许当前或已经占有一定空间的任何分租客或执照持有者的业务,以及可能会对卖方造成极大不利负债的活动)(i) 遵照并在所有重大方面均符合,并且没有重大违反任何适用的联邦,州和地方法律,法规和规章,包括但不限于,综合环境响应补偿与资源保护和回收法,以及关于税收,产品责任,受控物质,产品注册,保护环境,有害或有毒废物,就业,职业安全事项的任何其他法律,法规或;及(ii)已经以某种方式经营,根据CERCLA、RCRA或任何其他法律,法规,规章或普通民事法律原则对于环境清理,买方没有可预见的潜在负债。(b)据其所知,买方现在或之前拥有的或经营的不动产前任所有权,以及前任经营者经营他的业务或经营此类财产都没有违反CERCLA、RCRA或任何与环保或有害有毒废物问题相关的其他联邦、州、国家和地方适用法律、法规和规章。(c) 除买方附于本协议的附表披露,关于任何可能的违规行为,包括但不限于诊断测试与产品以及产品责任,环保,有害或有毒废物,受控物质,就业,职业安全或税务事宜相关事项,买方没有受到政府部门起诉,诉讼,索赔,或调查或复审。买方不知道这些诉讼,索赔,调查,询问的合理依据或原由。

6. 其他














Agreement for the Transfer of Shares


Party A:

Party B:

The above parties hereinafter are referred to as “Parties” collectively and as “Party” individually. Party A hereinafter is referred to as “Transferor”, Party B hereinafter is referred to as “Transferee”.

NOW, according to the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and other related laws and regulations, and in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants herein contained, the Parties agree as follows:

1. Patties Hereinafter Include


Legal representative:


Official address:


Legal representative:


Official address:

2. Transfer Conditions and Payment

(1) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Transferor hereby agrees to sell% company shares to Transferee, and Transferee agrees to purchase from Transferors the Transferred Equity Interest hereunder.

(2) Upon the Effective Date of this Agreement, the Articles of Association shall terminate. A new Articles of Association shall be concluded in accordance with relevant laws and regulations in China.

(3) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the total purchase price for the Transferred Equity Interest shall be RMB (the “Purchase Price”).

(4) The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Purchase Price is the sole amount to be paid by Transferee to the Transferor, and Transferee and any of its Affiliated Companies shall not be responsible for any future or additional payment to the Transferors with respect to the Equity Interest Transfer under this Agreement.

(5) Transferor and Transferee shall be respectively responsible for payment of the taxes and other governmental levies relating to the Equity Interest Transfer, imposed on each Party in accordance with the applicable laws.

3. Representations, Guarantees and Covenants

3.1 Representations and Warranties of Transferors.

a. Transferor under the agreement lawfully owns to cession equity, and ensure its will on after this agreement is signed actively cooperate with the assignee to deal with equity transfer approval and registration procedures.

b. Transferor have full and unencumbered title to the Transferred Equity Interest, which shall be free and clean of any mortgage, pledge or any other types of encumbrances.

c. Upon execution of this Agreement and as of the completion of the registration of the Equity Interest Transfer with the Registration Authority, there is not and there will not be any suit, action, prosecutions, or any other proceedings that may involve the Transferred Equity Interest or the lawfulness of the Equity Interest Transfer.

d. Transferor have taken all appropriate and necessary corporate actions to approve and authorize the execution and performance of this Agreement, and guarantee that all the other shareholders have give up the option to purchase.

3.2 Representations and Warranties of Transferee.

a. Transferee has taken all appropriate and necessary enterprise and legal actions to approve and authorize the execution and performance of this Agreement.

b. Execution and performance of this Agreement will not violate any provision of applicable laws or regulations, or any judgment, award, contract, agreement, or other instrument binding upon it.

4. Expenses

All the expenses incurred in relation to the execution of this Agreement shall be absorbed by the Transferee.

5. Breach of Agreement

In the event of the Transferee does not effect payment within the stipulated time specified, the Transferee shall pay to the Transferor a penalty sum of 1% of the assignment amount for every overdue month, if the breach exceeds three months, the Transferor reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and demands indemnification, other than the penalty sum from the Transferee.

6. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

6.1 This Agreement and its effectiveness, validity, interpretation, execution and settlement of disputes shall be governed by and construed in accordance with laws of the People’s Republic of China.

6.2 In the event of any dispute, claim, question or difference arises with respect to this Agreement or its performance or enforcement, the parties will use their reasonable efforts to attempt to settle such dispute amicably; if the parties cannot resolve the dispute, then it shall be resolved by the China International Trade Arbitration Commission based on the prevailing arbitration rules. The award of the arbitrators will be final and binding as to all parties; the losing party shall bear all the arbitration costs.