
第14章 出行应急(2)

We’ll send two policemen there soon.我们马上派两名警察过去。

Sir, please help me.警察,帮帮我。

I’ll just phone for the doctor.我马上给医生打电话。

I need your help badly.我急需你们的帮助。

What time can you send someone over你们什么时候能派人过来?


We’re stuck again.我们又塞车了。

I am really fed up with traffic jams.我对堵车真是烦透了。

traffic jam交通堵塞,塞车

It’s the rush hour now.现在是上班高峰期。

I’ve been used to the traffic jam.我已经习惯了塞车。

Is the road ahead blocked前面的路塞住了吗?

road ahead前方道路


There’s a lot of traffic on the roads.路上车辆很多。

There are traffic jams everywhere.到处都是交通堵塞。


The traffic is very heavy now.现在交通很拥挤。

We can go this way to avoid a traffic jam.我们可以走这条线避免交通堵塞。

Buses are crowded in the morning.早上的时候公交车很拥挤。


It takes more time in rush hour.在高峰时间,用时会长一些。

The car hasn’t moved for nearly half an hour.车已经半个小时没动了。

The traffic is moving at a snail’s pace.车辆行驶慢得像蜗牛一样。


It’s always the rush hour at this time of day.每天这时总是车辆的高峰期。

We met the traffic jam.我们遇到堵车了。


Do you get your bearings在哪个方位?


There’s been an accident.出了车祸。


The ambulance is on its way now.救护车已经在路上了。

There was a car accident at the intersection.十字路口发生了一起车祸。


Two trucks crashed into each other.两辆卡车撞到一起了。

crash into撞上

Where was the accident车祸发生在哪儿?

I brake as hard as I could.我拼命刹车。

I stopped, but only just in time.我刹住了车,不过也差一点撞着。

It happened in the blink of an eye.事故转眼就发生了。

I came near to being knocked down by a car.我差点被车撞倒了。


Are you feeling OK你不舒服吗?

I feel sluggish.我感觉浑身没劲。


I have diarrhea.我拉肚子了。

I have a chill.我浑身发抖。

My throat is sore.我嗓子疼。

I don’t have any appetite.我一点胃口都没有。


I have a dull pain in my stomach.我肚子隐隐作痛。

Will I be OK soon很快就会好吗?

Maybe you are just agreeing with the climate here.你可能有点水土不服。


It’s because I just arrived and haven’t acclimated yet.我只是刚来有点儿水土不服罢了。



Can I see your license能看一下你的驾照吗?

I just make an illegal turn.我刚才拐弯是违章的。

You’re committed a parking violation.你违规停车了。


He was fined 100 dollars.他被罚款100元。

What is the fine for speeding超速要罚多少?

A parking ticket!违章停车罚款通知单!

I got a parking ticket.我接到违规停车罚单。

What did I do wrong我哪里违规了吗?

May I pay the fine with my credit card我可以用信用卡交罚款吗?

Do you have any idea of how fast you were going你知道你的车速有多快吗?

What’s the problem, officer警官,有什么事吗?


His driving license has been endorsed.他的驾驶执照上有违章记录。

I got a ticket for speeding.我收到一张超速违章通知单。

You were exceeding the speed limit.你超速行驶了。


What’s the cause of the delay什么原因导致航班延误?

Is the flight departing on time航班会准时起飞吗?

on time按时,准时

Will the flight leave today今天之内能走吗?

How long will the flight be delayed会延误多长时间?

My flight was delayed for two days.我的航班推迟了两天。

I hurried to the airport only to be told the plane had been put off.我匆忙赶到机场,结果被告知航班推迟了。

put off推迟

The storm held up our flight for one hour.风暴使我们的航班推迟了一个小时。


hold up阻挡,拦截

The flight was put off due to the storm.由于暴风雨,航班推迟了。

Boarding is delayed.登机推迟了。

The flight has to be delayed for about 3 hours.本次航班将延误3个小时。

What time can we set on the plane我们什么时候可以上飞机?

Please check a monitor for departure time.请在电视屏幕上查看离港时间。

departure time出发时间,起飞时间