
第24章 休闲娱乐(1)


white tipped oolong白毫乌龙

wuyi rock武夷岩茶

green blade煎茶

yellow mountain fuzz tip黄山毛峰

dragon well龙井

green spiral碧螺春


age cake puer青沱

pile cake puer青饼

jun mountain silver needle


white tip silver needle银针白毫

white peony白牡丹

long brow jade dew玉露

robe tea大红袍

cassia tea肉桂


finger citron佛手

Iron mercy goddess铁观音

osmanthus oolong桂花乌龙

ginseng oolong人参乌龙茶

jasmine tea茉莉花茶

rose bulb玫瑰绣球

gongfu black功夫红茶

smoke black烟熏红茶

roast oolong熟火乌龙

light oolong清茶

anji white leaf安吉白茶

liu’an leaf六安瓜片

fenghuang unique bush凤凰单从

tea powder茶粉

fine powder tea抹茶 泡吧

Did you like the bar你喜欢这家酒吧吗?

Do you feel like a drink想喝一杯吗?

How about another drink要不要再来一杯?

Shall we go to the pub我们去酒吧喝点怎么样?

Which bar are we going to this evening我们今天晚上去哪个酒吧?

When will the bar open酒吧什么时候开放?

There is a floor show in our pub. Would you like to see it酒吧里有表演,您愿意去看吗?

I’d like the cocktail you made for me last time.我要一杯上次你给我调的那种鸡尾酒。


last time上次

There are some ice cubes on the bar over there.那边的吧台提供冰块。

over there在那边,在那里

I’ll have something sharp tonight.我今天想喝口感辛辣的酒。


Isn’t there anyone else who wants to sing没有其他人要唱歌了吗?

I’ll put the song at the front of the list.我来插播。

at the front of在......前面

He’s really hogging the mike!他把着麦克风不放!

I love to sing karaoke.我喜欢唱卡拉OK。

We are going to a KTV after dinner.晚餐之后我们去KTV。

after dinner晚饭后

Where is the microphone麦克风在哪里?


I can’t find a song that I like in the catalogue.在这本目录中我找不到我喜欢的歌曲。


This isn’t my song.这首歌不是我点的。

Push the red button on the mike to turn it on.按麦克风上的红色按钮打开它。

Push the green button on the mike to bring it down half a key.按麦克风上绿色的按钮降半个音。

I’d like to request a song.我想点首歌。

Now it’s my turn.现在轮到我了。

You’re a good singer!你唱得真好!

My singing is out of tune.我唱歌总跑掉。

out of tune走调,不协调

Are you good at singing你唱歌拿手吗?


How long have you been a photographer你搞摄影多长时间了?


Why don’t you get this picture enlarged你为什么不放大这张照片?

Where did you get the picture frames你在哪儿买的相框?

You’ve won the Photographic Prize for this year.祝贺你获得了今年的摄影大奖!

What’s the most exciting photographic job you’ve ever worked on最让你激动的摄影工作是哪一次?


These are gorgeous.真美。


They came out really well.照片都照得很好。

Photography is the one thing I really enjoy.我对摄影真是乐此不疲。

Press the button.按快门。

You are very photogenic.你非常上相。


Is this really you in the picture这张相片里的真是你吗?

It’s a good picture.这张照片照得不错。

May I take pictures here我能在这里照相吗?

How do you like your new digital camera你喜欢你的新数码相机吗?


I heard you had spent so much time and money in collecting stamps.我听说你在集邮上花了许多时间和金钱。

When did you begin collecting stamps你什么时候开始集邮的?

I have sixty albums of stamps.我已经有60本邮册的邮票了。


I’d like to have some commemorative stamps.我想买纪念邮票。


I wonder whether you are really fond of collecting stamps.我想知道你是否真的喜欢集邮。

fond of喜欢,爱好

Have you ever been to a stamp exhibition你去过邮票展吗?


I’ve collected few stamps years.这几年我没收集到几张邮票。

When and where was the first stamp made第一张邮票是什么时候在哪里发行的?

I derive great satisfaction from his stamp collection.我从集邮中得到极大的满足。

My hobby is collecting stamps.我的业余爱好是集邮。


We have the same hobby-collecting stamps.我们有着相同的爱好--集邮。

I’m interested in collecting stamps.我对集邮感兴趣。


Do you often surf the net你经常上网吗?

surf the net上网,网上冲浪

Do you have an e-mail address你有电子邮箱吗?


I am crazy about Net chat.我很喜欢网上聊天。

crazy about热衷,着迷

Does QQ have the voice chat functionQQ有语音聊天功能吗?


It is very appropriate for me to talk with people.这个功能非常适合我和人们进行交谈。

appropriate for适于

My username is “Sara”.我的用户名是“Sara”。


You are the best girl I’ve met on the Internet.你是我在网上见到的最好的女孩。

I’m hooked on net-chat.我对网上聊天上瘾。

hook on迷上,着迷

Don’t spend too much time chatting on the net.不要花太多时间在网上聊天。

Are you on-line你上网了吗?


How did you enjoy the ball你们在舞会上玩得高兴吗?

May I have the first dance可以请你跳第一支舞吗?

What dances do you like你喜欢什么舞?

How many tips of dance have you learnt你学会了跳几种舞?

I would like to invite you to a ball next Sunday.我想请你下星期日去参加舞会。

I am no good at dancing.我跳舞一点儿也不行。

I am learning new dance steps now.我正在学习新的舞步。

dance step舞步

Will you go to the dance你去参加舞会吗?

I am nuts about dance party.我迷恋舞会。

What about another dance再跳一曲好吗?

Let’s go dancing tonight!今天晚上去跳舞吧!

The waltz is a beautiful dance.华尔兹是优美的舞蹈。