
第36章 国外留学(1)


courses completed所学课程

special training特别训练

social practice社会实践

part-time jobs业余工作

summer jobs暑期工作

vacation jobs假期工作

refresher course进修课程

extracurricular activities课外活动

physical activities体育活动

recreational activities娱乐活动

academic activities学术活动

social activities社会活动

off-job training脱产培训

student council学生会



commissary in charge of studies学习委员

commissary in charge of entertainment文娱委员

commissary in charge of sports体育委员

commissary in charge of physical labor劳动委员

party branch secretary党支部书记

league branch secretary团支部书记

commissary in charge of organization组织委员

commissary in charge of publicity宣传委员




assistant dean副院长

academic dean教务长

department chairman系主任


associate professor副教授

guest professor客座教授


teaching assistant助教

research fellow研究员

research assistant助理研究员


dean of studies教务长

dean of students教导主任


Are there any advantages to study in Europe到欧洲留学有什么好处吗?

Is this test hard to pass这种考试很难通过吗?

I want to study abroad. What should I do我想出国留学,我该做些什么呢?

Did you get the information about that school你拿到关于那个学校的信息了吗?

Do international students need language level certificate留学生需要语言水平证书吗?

international student留学生


How can I get into an Australia university我怎样才能进入澳洲的大学呢?

Do I have to take any tests我必须参加什么考试吗?

Can you suggest which country I should go to能建议一下我该去哪个国家吗?

Why do you want to study in the USA你为什么想去美国留学?

Do you have any services for overseas students你们是为海外留学生提供服务的吗?

overseas student留学生


Have you decided which university you are going to apply for你定下来填报哪一所大学了吗

How many universities have you applied for你申请了几所学校?

I would recommend that you enter Harvard University.我建议你还是报哈佛大学。

Harvard University is stronger in business management哈佛大学在商务管理方面比较强。

Princeton University is my first choice.普林斯顿大学是我的首选。

first choice第一选择

My grades didn’t reach the fractional line of Boston University我的成绩没有达到波士顿大学的录取分数线。

I believe I can achieve my dream at Columbia University.我相信我能实现去哥伦比亚大学的梦想。

What materials do you need for application申请学校需要向你们提供哪些资料?

You should pay the application fee before you apply for the school.申请学校之前,你应该先交纳申请费。

I had to send my bank statement in support of my claim to the school.申请学校时,我必须提供自己在银行的财务状况作为证明。

bank statement银行对账单


What about your TOEFL你的托福考得怎么样了?

I’m so lucky to pass the exam.我很幸运通过了这次考试。

pass the exam通过考试

When will the result of the TOEFL be published托福成绩什么时候公布?

I got 105 in TOEFL.我在托福考试中考了105分。

If you want to apply better universities your score must be high.如果你想申请好的大学你的托福分数必须要高。

I plan to take the TOEFL.我打算参加托福考试。

My TOEFL score is not satisfactory, so how should I do我托福成绩不佳,应该怎么办?

Do all universities require the TOEFL所有大学都需要托福成绩吗?

I’m eating up the course in TOEFL.我正在拼命啃“托福”课程。

eat up吃光,耗尽


I have been waiting for my university admission notice.我最近一直在等我的大学录取通知书。

admission notice录取通知书

I have received the well-known Yale University’s admission notice.我已经收到了着名学府耶鲁大学的录取通知书。


Yale University has sent me an acceptance letter.耶鲁大学已经给我寄来了录取通知书。

I have been in the ideal university.我已经被理想中的大学录取了。