
第45章 公共服务(2)

Could you fill it up with regular请您给汽车加足普通汽油好吗?

May I fill it up by myself我可以自己加油吗?

There is a leak in the petrol tank.油箱里有一处漏油。

petrol tank汽油箱,汽油罐

Fill up the tank, please.请加满油。

The tank is full.油箱加满了。

Just give me five gallons, please.请给我加5加仑。

I also need you to check the oil and the radiator.我还需要你检查一下机油和水箱。

I’d like to get some gas.我要加点油。


Would you keep the same hair style你想保持原来的发型吗?

hair style发型

How would you like your hair set你喜欢什么发型?

How should I cut it, sir先生,我该怎么给您剪发呢?

Please don’t clip too much.不要剪太短。

Just trim it a bit.只要修一下就行了。

I need it cut short.我想剪短发。

Please thin out my hair a bit.请把我的头发打薄些。

I’d like a crew cut.我想剪平头。

crew cut平头

Short behind, a little longer in front.后面短,前面稍长。

Could you take a little more off the top, please顶部的头发再减掉一些好吗?

A bit shorter at the back. Not so much on the sides.后面稍短些,两鬓理低些。

Leave the bangs long, please.请把刘海留长一些。


I would like to make an appointment for a hairdo, please.我想预约理发。

make an appointment约会,预约


I can’t wait any more.我不能再等了。


We were in luck, for the bakery was still open.我们总算走运,面包店还开着。

This is a bakery specializing in French pastry.这是一个专门制作和销售法式蛋糕的面包店。

What kind of bread would you like你想要什么样的面包?

There are many kinds of bread.面包有许多种。

You can try this one.你可以尝尝这种。

The bread isn’t fresh enough.面包不够新鲜。

The bread is baking in the oven.烤箱里正在烤面包。

Cut the bread into small rounds and give me two.把面包切成小片,然后给我两片。


What kind of coffee would you like你喜欢哪种咖啡?

I don’t like the caffeine in the coffee.我不喜欢咖啡里面含有的******。


How would you like coffee你喜欢什么咖啡?

A cup of black coffee, please.请来一杯黑咖啡。

What do you recommend你给我推荐一种吧?

What else are you going to have您还需要其他的吗?

What about a green tea or perhaps a cafe latte你看绿茶或拿铁咖啡,怎么样?

cafe latte拿铁咖啡,牛奶咖啡

I’d like to try the coffee with milk.我想尝尝加奶的咖啡。

Please help me change another clean towel.请帮我换一块干净的餐巾。


Are you ready to ride the Ghost train你做好坐魔鬼列车的准备了吗?

I will ride the Ferris wheel.我要坐摩天轮。

I dare not ride the roller coaster.我不敢坐过山车。

roller coaster过山车,云霄飞车

The puppy show is very interesting.木偶表演很有趣。

There is a new amusement park nearby.附近有一个新的游乐场。

amusement park游乐园

Disneyland is an amusement park but we can also call it a theme park.迪斯尼乐园是一个游乐场但我们也可以称它为主题公园。

theme park(游乐园中的)主题乐园

You can find Disney characters all over the roller coaster.在过山车里你随处都能找到迪士尼人物。


I need to renew my visa.我需要更新我的签证。

Is it necessary to get fingerprinted需要按指纹吗?


Where can I pick up a tax form我该到哪儿领取纳税表格?

tax form纳税申报表格

I witnessed the accident, officer.警官,我亲眼目睹了整个事故的过程。


I need a marriage form, please.我需要结婚登记表。

I need to renew my visa.我需要更新我的签证。

Do you have your own business你有自己的企业吗?

Do you have all your paperwork with you所有文件都带了吗?

Are you employed, or are you self-employed你是受雇还是自营?

This window is closed. Next counter, please.这个窗口已经关闭。请到旁边柜台办理。


I need one ticket to the museum, please.我要一张博物馆的门票。

Is this original, or a reproduction这是原作还是复制品?

Are any of the things on display for sale这些展览的东西出售吗?

on display展览,陈列

What year did the artist paint this艺术家是什么时候创作这幅画的?

Are any of these for sale这些出售吗?

We have reached the museum.我们已经到博物馆了。

We saw it at the Space Museum.我们在空间博物馆看见它。

Many people come to the museum each year.每年有很多人来参观这家博物馆。

Don’t touch the exhibits.请勿触摸展品。

The Hall displays porcelain, jade and handicrafts.大厅陈列着瓷器、玉器和手工艺品。


This hall exhibits jade ware and ceramics.这个馆陈列的是玉器和陶器。

These relics include gold, pottery, bone tools and ivory objects.这些文物包括金器、陶器、骨制工具和象牙制品。

This object takes me back to the Ming dynasty.这件展品把我带回到了明朝。