
第49章 Computer Networks and Internet(12)





虽然用户有时用电子邮件传送文本,但邮件主要用来传送短的文本报文。TCP/IP协议包含一种文件传送应用程序,它允许用户发送和接收任意规模的数据或程序文件。例如,用文件传输程序,可以将含有卫星图像的大型数据库,用 Pascal 或 C++语言写的程序或一本英语词典从一台机器复制到另一台机器上。该系统提供一种对授权用户的检查办法,甚至可阻止所有的访问。与邮件一样,文件传输跨TCP/IP协议下的互联网是可靠的,因为所涉及的两台机器直接通信,在一条通路上进行复制,而不依靠中间机器。



【Reading Material】

Web Services

Web Services Interfaces are defined using XML in the form of a “schema” that describes the request and response data formats, types, and relationships. XML and the schema definition language are both standards published by the overseers of Internet standards, the W3C. Defining a schema in order to use XML and Web Services is not required, but it is a best practice since the schema definition “binds”the data contract of the service interface. It helps to explicitly define what the service will and will not do, so that developers of applications that use the service will know what to expect.

Web services technology supports increased operational efficiencies and improved services by allowing multiple applications to interoperate XML, the language of Web Services, is ****** and non-proprietary. It is adaptable, extensible and supported by industry-developed standards—Web Services and XML messaging standards help IT managers resolve technology decisions by devolving application issues from infrastructure, and the limits otherwise imposed by proprietary protocols and features.. This layer of abstraction also allows applications and the middleware platform to embrace new technology and the current and future standards of multiple vendors. Using the interface, software developers can concentrate on creating the best business solution, without concern for the complexities of the underlying middleware.

The key use of Web Services technology within the enterprise is for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). The problem mentioned above, involving connecting your Website to both your loyalty system and reservation system, is an example of an EAI problem. The problem gets worse when combined with your colleagues CRM project down the hall because they need to connect to those systems as well. As you will often find, multiple groups within IT are all individually trying to discover, analyze and design ways to connect to different legacy systems and data sources at the same time, creating redundancy, overlap, and reducing tile chance for success.

There are several ways to use Web Services to solve this problem. The first is to enable the existing systems with Web Services technology by either updating the application, or by placing ail EAI “adapter” in front of the application to make it look like a Web Service. The choice of rewriting the application is usually not financially viable so the adapter approach will be the focus here.

There are two types of adapters, the first is an extension of the application itself that can be custom built but is often based on utilities provided by the vendor of the platform upon which the application resides. Companies such as SAP People Soft, Oracle, as well as specialist third party EAI providers, supply adapters for common Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and database applications. These application-side adapters usually require some modification to the existing application to be enabled or plugged in.

The second method is to create an outboard application broker that resides on its own platform and requires little or no application modifications. The broker can sit in between multiple back-end systems where it provides a consolidated, consistent and normalized view of those systems and data sources. For many EAI problems in the travel distribution and customer service arena, this is the preferred approach. Applications can then avail themselves of flexible services such as “Air-Booking” where the only difference for loyalty bookings is a change to the Form of Payment field. In this way, you’re Website and your CRM systems do not need to have an awareness of the subtleties and intricacies of the individual back-end systems. Rather, they can enjoy the use of higher-level services defined in a neutral and explicit fashion via XML schemas mid accessed using a standard protocol, SOAP.

【New Words】

















6.6 B-ISDN

Today’s telecommunication networks are characterized by specialization. This means that for every individual telecommunication service at least one network exists that transports this service. A few examples of existing public networks are described below:

A telex network transports telex information i.e. messages of characters, transported at very low speed. The characters are coded based on a specific 5-bit code.

POTS (plain old telephone service) are transported via the public switched telephone network (PSTN). This ubiquitous network offers the customersr classical two-way voice conversation.

Computer data are transported in the public domain either by a packet switched data network based on X.25 protocols or in a much bruited number of countries by a circuit switched data network based on X.21 protocols.