
第61章 Office Automation(9)

When people express the opinion that human grandmasters do not examine 200,000,000 move sequences per second, I ask them, “How do you know?” The answer is usually that human grandmasters are not *aware* of searching this number of positions, or *are* aware of searching many fewer But almost everything that goes on in our minds we are unaware of. I tend to agree that grandmasters are not

searching the way Deep Blue does, but whatever they are doing would, if implemented on a computer, seem equally “blind.” Suppose most of their skill comes from an ability to compare the current position against 10,000 positions they’ve studied. (There is some evidence that this is at least partly true.) We call their behavior insightful because they are unaware of the details; the right position among the 10,000 “just occurs to them.” If a computer does it, the trick will be revealed; we will see how laboriously it checks the 10,000 positions. Still, if the unconscious version yields intelligent results, and the explicit algorithmic version yields essentially the same results, then they will be intelligent, too.

It’s entirely possible that computers will come to seem alive before they come to seem intelligent. The kind of computing power that fuels Deep Blue will also fuel sensors, wheels, and grippers that will allow computers to react physically to things in their environment, including us. They won’t seem intelligent, but we may think of them as a weird kind of animal-one that can play a very good game of chess.

【New Words】


















1. Multiple Choices

(1)The software packages used for proofreading documents for errors include ______.

A. Microsoft Excel


C. Spelling

D. grammar

(2)Using Microsoft Word we can create _______.

A. personal communications

B. business documents

C. spreadsheets

D. academic reports

(3)A ______ is a graphics object that is essential for the creation or construction of complex images.

A. primitive

B. digital image

C. multimedia

D. picture

(4)We can use Microsoft Word to ______.

A. access Web pages

B. insert a hyperlink to a web page

C. create a 3-D column chart

D. retrieve pictures from other web pages

(5)Graphics has always been associated with the ______ of information.

A. input

B. display

C. store

D. process

(6)The collect and Paste can be used ______.

A. to cut or copy E-mail message

B. to collect objects

C. within a single Microsoft Office application

D. among multiple Microsoft Office applications

(7)The interface between ______ has been radically altered by the use of computer graphics.

A. the human and the human

B. the human and the computer

C. the computer and the computer

D. the computer and the graphic

2. Identify the following to be True or False.

(1)In order to take advantage of increasingly efficient information processing methods, employees must use office automation.

(2)We can use exact numbers to correlate a relationship between computers and productivity.

(3)Data processing is information in numeric form usually calculated by a computer.

(4)Voice E-mail is extensively used in the travel industry, with many of the large tour operators ****** it possible for travel agents to access their central computers to check on holiday availability and make bookings.

(5)One feature of E-mail is that it is possible to arrange for a single message to be sent to a large number of other users simultaneously.

(6)You can retrieve information from a Web page directly into a worksheet.

3. Fill in each blank with a suitable term according to its official definition.

(1)______, to transfer data from the computer memory to some ancillary online device, such as a PROM programmer or cassette recorder.

(2)______, the smallest element of a display surface that can be independently assigned color or intensity.

(3)______, a device that examines a spatial pattern one part after another, and generates analog or digital signals corresponding to the pattern.

(4)______, in typing, the horizontal spacing of characters.

(5)______, in software engineering, an independent review for the purpose of assessing compliance with software requirements, specifications, baselines, standards, procedures, instructions, codes, and contractual and licensing requirements.

(6)______, a file that is transferred together with an electronic mail message.

(7)______, a separate program product, based on an existing programproduct, that usually has significant new code or new function.

(8)______, a program, a sequence of instructions called by a program that may have some general or frequent use.

4. Translate the following sentences into Chinese

(1)The great advantage of big electronic computers is that they do many operations in an incredibly short time.

(2)It is obviously that electronic computers are playing an important role in the field of science and technology.

(3)However, it appears that multimedia was finally started to play an increasingly important role in today’s computer world.

(4)What makes this system unique is the fact that the message recipient doesn’t have to be present to receive a message.