
第63章 Multimedia Technology(2)














数字化设计是仅仅通过数学技术,如电脑、扫描仪、数码相机等,来进行设计工作,而不必理会终端产品的归宿。因此,使用 Photoshop 来设计的印刷工作就是数字化设计。用笔、尺和一套画图铅笔来完成同样的工作内容,并不是数字化设计。





【Reading Material】

3-D Graphics

3-D graphics are stored as a set of instructions. For a 3-D graphic, however, the instructions contain the locations and lengths of lines that form a wire frame for a three-dimensional object. The wire frame acts much like the framework of a pop-up tent. Just as you would construct the framework for the tent, then cover it with a nylon tent cover, a 3-D wire frame can be covered with surface texture and color to create a graphic of a 3-D object. The process of covering a wire frame with surface color and texture is called rendering. The rendering process outputs a bitmap image.

For added realism, the rendering process can take into account the way that light shines on surfaces and creates shadows. The technique for adding light and shadows to a 3-D image is called ray tracing. Before an image is rendered, the artist selects a location for one or more light sources. The computer applies a complex mathematical algorithm to determine how the light source affects the color of each pixel in the final rendered image. This process can take time hours for a complex image, even using today’s most powerful personal computers.

To create 3-D graphics, you need 3-D graphics software such as AutoCAD or Calgary true Space. This software provides the tools that you need to draw a wire frame and view it from any angle. It provides rendering and ray tracing tools, along with an assortment of surface textures that you can apply to individual objects.

3-D graphics software runs on most personal computers, though some architects and engineers prefer to use high-end workstations. Experts recommend using at least a 500 MHz Pentium PC, or a Macintosh G3, equipped with a high-resolution, or larger monitor, and a graphics card loaded with lots of memory. A fast processor, lots of RAM, and a fast graphics card with its own video RAM all speed up the rendering process.

3-D graphics can be animated to produce special effects for movies, or create interactive, animated characters and environments for 3-D computer games. Animated special effects, like the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park III, are created by rendering a sequence of bitmaps, in which one or more objects are moved, or otherwise changed, between each rendering. In traditional hand-drawn animation, a chief artist draws the key frames, and then a team of assistants creates each of the in-between images-24 of these images for each second of animation. For 3-D computer animation, the computer creates the “in-between” images by moving the object and rendering each necessary image. All of the images are then combined into a single file, creating essentially a digital movie.

Graphic design companies like Pixar Animation Studios and DreamWorks use 3-D animation techniques to produce animated feature films, as well as special effects. The first full-length animated 3-D movie was “Toy Story”, released in 1995 by Walt Disney Studios and Pixar. In 2001, digital animated films like “Shrek”, “Monster, Inc.” and “Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within” illustrate the sophistication of 3-D animation.