
第15章 追随者墨脱托夫

There was a time in the nineteen forties when Vyacheslav Mototov was Soviet foreign minister.He was a shrewd man and a hard bargainer ard worked for Joseph Stalin,who was The Boss.He was once overheard talking to Stalin by trans-Atlantic telephone during the course of some very intricate negotiations with the West.He said,“Yes,Comrade Stalin.”in quiet tones,then again,

“Yes,Comrade Stalin.”and then,after a considerable wait,

“Certainly,Comrade Stalin.Suddenly he was galvanized into emotion.”

“No,Comrade Stalin.”he barked,

“No.That's,no.Definitely,no.A thousand times,no!”

After a while,he quieted and it was“Yes,Comrade Stalin.”again.The reporter who overheard this was probably never so excited in his life.Clearly,Mototov was daring to oppose the dictator on at least one point,and it would surely be important to the West to know what that point might be.

The reporter approached Mototov and said as calmly as possible,Secretary Mototov,I could not help but hear you say at one point,“No,Comrade Stalin.”

Molotov turned his cold eyes on the reporter and said,“What of it?”

“May I ask.”said the reporter,cautiously,“What the subject under discussion was at that time?”

“You can.”said Mototov.“Comrade Stalin asked me if there was anything which he had said with which I disagreed.”









1.Soviet adj./n.苏联的,苏维埃/苏维埃

2.shrewd adj.精明的

E.g.He was a shrewd businessman.他是个精明的商人。

3.bargainer n.讨价还价的人,来源于动词bargain(交易,讨价还价)

4.overhear v.无意中听到,偷听

5.trans-Atlantic 跨大西洋的trans-为词的前缀,表示“跨越,穿越”

6.intricate adj.复杂的,错综的

7.negotiation n.谈判

8.comrade n.同志

9.considerable adj.相当的,可观的

E.g.The TV play received considerable acclaim.这部电视剧获得很高评价。


10.galvanize v.通电,引申意义为“受刺激,变得激动”

11.bark v.吠,叫

12.oppose v.反对

E.g.Many members opposed the change of regulations in this club.


13.dictator n.独裁者



例句:A storm is approaching.暴风雨即将来临。


例句:to approach to the character of……:几乎具有……的性格


例句:The cars slowed down as they approached the intersection.



例句:As a poet he hardly approaches John Milton.


1.foreign minister 外交部长,外交大臣 类似的还有:

minister of education 教育部长

minister of public security 公安部长

minister of national defense 国防部长

2.as……as possible 尽可能地……

E.g.as soon as possible 尽快

as early as possible 尽早

3.turn an cold eye on 对……冷眼相看