
第23章 世间真情(5)

Love is a telephone which is seldom program-controlled or directly dialed.You cannot get an immediate answer by a mere"hello",let alone go deep into your lover's heart by one call.Usually it had to be reIayed by an operator,and you have to be patient in waiting.[B]Destiny is the operator of this phone,who is always irresponsibIe and fond of laying practical jokes to which she may make you a IifeIong victim intentionally or unintentionally.

Love is a telephone which is always busy,When you are ready to die for love,you only find,to your disappointment,the line is already occupied by someone else,and you are greeted only by a busy line,This is an eternaI regret handed down from generation to generation and you are only one of those who Ianguish for followers.

[C]Love is telephone,but it is difficult to seize the center time for dialing,and you will let the opportunity slip if your call is either too early or too late.

Love is a telephone which is not always associated with happiness.Honeyed words are transmitted by sound waves,but when the lovers are brought together,the phone servers no purpose that many lovers observe that marriage is the doom of love.

Love is a telephone which,when you use it for the first time,makes you so nervous and excited that you either hold the receiver upside down or dial the wrong number.[D]By the time you've calmed down,you will beat a loss to whom you should make the call.

Love is a telephone which often has crossed lines.And this usually happens to you unexpectedly.Your time will either cross or be crossed.Both cases are refereed to as"********".Fortunately,all such occurrences are transient.


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A Love is a teIephone which aIways keeps siIent when you are Ionging for a call,but rings when you are not ready for it.


be longing for……渴望,期望做……。例如:The children are longing for the holidays.孩子们都在期盼放假。

B Destiny is the operator of this phone,who is aIways irresponsibIe and fond of Iaying practicaI jokes to which she may make you a IifeIong victim intentionally or unintentionally.


lay jokes to向……开玩笑,搞恶作剧。be fond of热衷于,喜欢做……。例如:May I ask if you are fond of traveling by sea?我可以问你是否热衷于航海旅行吗?

C Love is teIephone,but it is difficuIt to seize the center time for diaIing,and you will Iet the opportunity sIip if your call is either too earIy or too Iate.


let sth.slip(through your fingers)错过(机会等)。例如:You are not going to let a wonderful chance like that slip through your fingers,are you?你不会错过那样的好机会,对吗?

D By the time you've caImed down,you will beat a Ioss to whom you shouId make the call.


calm down平静下来。例如:It was difficult to calm down the football fans.要使足球迷们平静下来是很困难的。

For the Love of My Father 父爱

Track 010.MP3






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障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

[A]Over the years,I never thought of my father as being very emotionaI,and he never was,at least not in front of me.My father never told me he loved me when I was a child,and I never held it against him.I think that all I really wanted was for my dad to be proud of me.

On November 9th,1990,I received word that my National Guard unit was being activated for Operation Desert Shield.I went to my father and gave him the news.I could sense he was uneasy about me going.We never discussed it much more,and eight days later I was gone.

A few days after Thanksgiving I was able to call my wife,she told me that my father recited his usual Thanksgiving prayer.But this time he added one last sentence.As his voice started to crack and a tear ran down his cheek,he said,"Dear Lord,please watch over and guide my son,Rick,with your hand in his time of need as he serves his country,and bring him home to us safely."[B]At that point he burst into tears.I had never seen my father cry,and when I heard this,[C]I couldn'thelp but start to cry myself.

Eight months later,when I returned home from the war,I ran over and hugged my wife and children in a flurry of tears.When I came to my father,I embraced him and gave him a huge hug.He whispered in my ear,"I'm very proud of you,Son,and I love you."I looked that man,my dad,straight in the eyes as I held his head between my hands and I said,"I love you too,Dad,"and we embraced again.And then together,both of us cried.

Ever since that day,my relationship with my father has never been the same.We have had many deep conversations.I learned that he's always been proud of me,and he's not afraid to say"I love you"anymore.Neither am I.I'm just sorry it took 29 years and a war to fl nd it out.


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A Over the years,I never thought of my father as being very emotional,and he never was,at Ieast not in front of me.


at least至少。例如:Well,at least everybody has a good title.至少每个人的题目都很不错。

B At that point he burst into tears.


burst into闯入;情绪的突然发作。例如:When I told the joke,everyone burst into laughter.当我说这笑话时每个人都忍不住笑出来。

C I couldn'thelp but start to cry myseIf.


couldn't help but do sth.不得不,禁不住……。例如:Well,I can't help but obey the order.唉,我没办法,只好服从命令。

A Boy and the Apple Tree 小男孩和苹果树

Track 011.MP3






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障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

A long time ago,there was a huge apple tree.A little boy loved to come and play around it everyday.He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.