
第35章 智慧人生(1)

An Unforgettable Day 难忘的一天

Track 001.MP3






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障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

When I was sitting on the stoop of our west Denver house late one afternoon,my father knew that something was wrong.The dean of the University of Colorado Schoolof Law decided that I couldn't return to classes next fallbecause my grades were too low.

My dad suggested I should look at Westminster College of Law,where classes were held at night.[A]The University of Colorado at Boulder was a Taj Mahal-the door to judicialclerkships and prestigious law firms,Westminster was Tramway Tech-a poor man's schoolwith no tenured professors or law review,whose students held down day jobs.I went to see Clifford Mills,Westminster's dean,Mills read my college tran.and I'llnever forget him peering at me over the rim of his glasses.Finally he bluntly let me enrollat Westminster on one condition-that I repeated allmy flrst-year classes this time paying attention.

One door had closed.But others opened.

Given a second chance,I worked much harder,becoming fascinated by the law of evidence.In my second year the professor who taught the course passed away.I was asked to take over-inconceivabIe at a law schoollike Boulder.Evidence became a lifelong specialty,and for many years I taught classes on the subject for judges,law students and practicing lawyers throughout the country.I became a county judge at age 28,one of Denver's youngest.Later I was elected as a district judge,and then appointed by the President to the federaljudiciary as a U.S.district ultimately.I did return to Boulder-to receive the University of Colorado's George Norlin Award,and an honorary doctorate of law.

[B]Sooner or later everyone willfallshort at something important to them-whether it be a job,a dream or a relationship.FIunking out of law schoolmade me a better judge.It certainly taught me about the weaknesses of the human condition,and about the need to give people second chances.

But failure also taught me that life is a road with unpredictabIe forks and unexpected tomorrows.To take advantage of them,you can't let yourself be destroyed by a defeat,or let others set the limits on your ability to achieve.


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A The University of CoIorado at BouIder was a Taj MahaI.

泰姬陵在印度北部名城阿格拉,系17世纪莫卧儿帝国皇帝Shah Jahan为Mumtaz Mahal建造的陵墓,此处实际上是通过比喻来表明该大学像泰姬陵一样高贵,它的门是对着官员和有名望的律师事务所开放的,是一所培养高级人才的名牌大学。

B Sooner or later everyone will fall short at something important to them-whether it be a job.a dream or a relationship.


fallshort未中目标,达不到标准(或要求)。例如,We fallshort in applying what we knows.我们还远远未能应用我们的知识。

Two Truths to Live By 两条人生的真理

Track 002.MP3






今日关键语导读 Today's Key Points



障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go.For life is a paradox:it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment.The rabbis of old put it this way:"A man comes to this world with his fist clenched,but when he dies,his hand is open."

Surely we ought to hold fast to life.For it is wondrous,and fullof a beauty that breaks through every pore of God's own earth.We remember a beauty that faded,a love that waned.[A]But we remember with far greater pain that we did not see that beauty when it flowered,that we failed to respond with love when it was tendered.

One morning,I looked to see whether anyone else relished the sun's golden glow.but everyone was hurrying to and fro,most with eyes fixed on the ground.Then I remembered how often I had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day,preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the splendor of it all.

Hold fast to life……but not so fast that you cannot let go.This is the second side of life's coin,the opposite pole of its paradox:we must accept our losses,and learn how to let go.

But life is never just being.It is a becoming,a reIentIess flowing on.Don't spend and waste your lives accumulating objects that willonly turn to dust and ashes.[B]Pursue not so much the materialas the idea,for ideals alone invest life with meaning and are of enduring worth.

Add love to a house and you have a home.Add righteousness to a city and you have a community.Add truth to a pile of red brick and you have a school.Add religion to the humblest of edifices and you have a sanctuary.Add justice to the far-flung round of human endeavor and you have civilization.Put them alltogether,exalt them above their present imperfections.Add to them the vision of humankind redeemed,forever free of need and strife and you have a future lighted with the radiant colors of hope.


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A But we remember with far greater pain that we did not see that beauty when it flowered,that we failed to respond with love when it was tendered.



B Pursue not so much the material as the idea,for ideals alone invest life with meaning and are of enduring worth.


本句中not so much……(A)as……(B):与其说是A.,不如说是B。

The Saint Next Door Could Be You 下一扇伟大的门可能由你开启

Track 003.MP3






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