
第34章 商务英语合同实例(18)


4. a. 装配所需的主要零件、消耗品及部件由甲方按时运至广州。如有零部件短少或破损,甲方应负责补充替换。

b. 甲方应于成品交运1个月前开出不可撤销的信用证以支付全部装配费和乙方在广州购买零件、消耗品和部件的费用。

c. 除不能预见的无法控制的情况外,乙方必须在双方约定的时期内完成晶体管收音机的制造和交货任务。


装配时的零部件损坏率定为3%。 这部分零部件应由甲方免费供给。如损坏率超过3%,乙方应自费补充超过的部分。

6. 乙方将甲方供给的零部件装配成为晶体管收音机,应严格按照甲方的设计,不得变动。

7. 技术服务


8. 一切与本合同有关的进出口手续, 均由乙方办理。

9. 乙方将所装配的晶体管收音机运交至甲方指定的外国买主。有关运费和保险由甲方负担。

10. 其他条款:

a. 晶体管收音机的商标由甲方供给,如有法律纠纷,甲方应负完全责任。

b. 如因装配需要,由乙方在广州购买的零部件必须达到甲方品质标准,并应事先经过甲方核准。

c. 为了促进出口贸易,乙方应随时准备各种晶体管收音机样品,航空寄送甲方指定的外国买主。所需的零部件由甲方供应,空运费也由甲方负担。

11. 本合同一式三份,经甲乙双方签字后各留一份,另一份呈送广州有关政府机关登记。

ABC有限公司 广州有限公司

签字人: 签字人:






INDUSTRY LTD. (hereinafter called Party A)


INDUSTRY LTD. (hereinafter called Party B)

have agreed that Party B shall manufacture Standard Magnetic Compasses in_______________with all necessary parts and materials supplied by Party A under the following terms and conditions:

1. Commodity and quantities for processing with supplied materials and assembling with supplied parts:

(1) Commodity: Standard Magnetic Compass;

(2) Quantity:_______________sets in total.

2. All necessary parts and materials listed in the contract shall either be supplied by Party A or purchased in_________or_________by Party B;

3. The processing charge for each model is as follows:

(1) Standard Magnetic Compass of Type GLC-1 at US $

(SAY:________________________US) each;

(2) Standard Magnetic Compass of Type GLC-2 at US $

(SAY:________________________US) each;

(3) Standard Magnetic Compass of Type GLC-3 at US $

(SAY:_________US) each.

4. The main parts, consumables and materials required for processing will be sent to_______________(place) by Party A and if there is any shortage or damage, Party A should be held responsible for supplying replacements;

5. Party A should pay Party B by L/C or T/T covering the full amount of processing charges and costs of parts, consumables and materials purchased in_________or_______________by Party B one month before shipment of the finished products;

6. Party B must complete the manufacturing of all Standard Magnetic Compasses of type GLC-1 and effect shipment within the agreed date without delay except in the occurrence of uncontrollable and unforceable events.

7. The damage rate of parts and materials

The damage rate of parts and materials in processing is___% and such a damage rate of parts and materials shall be supplied free by Party A, should the damage rate exceed__%, Party B shall supply additional materials and necessary parts;

8. Should shipment of materials and parts sent by Party A be wrong or in excess, Party B shall return the excessive portion at the expense of Party A, in case of short shipment, Party A shall make up the shortage;

9. All parts and materials supplied by Party A for Standard Magnetic Compasses shall be processed by Party B strictly in accordance with the design without any modification;

10. Technical Service

Party A agrees to send technicians to_________to help training Party Bs technicians at the request of the latter at any time and allows the technicians to remain with Party B for inspection of the finished products. In such case, Party B agrees to pay a monthly salary of US $__________________for each person, all other expenses (including round trip tickets) will be borne by Party A;

11. All import and export formalities in connection with this contract should be handled by Party B;

12. All Standard Magnetic Compasses processed by Party B shall be shipped to the foreign buyers appointed by Party A at any time;

13. Other terms and conditions

(1) The trade marks of Standard Magnetic Compass shall be supplied by Party A, should there be any legal dispute, Party A shall be held fully responsible;

(2) The quality of parts and materials, if necessary, purchased in

or_________by Party B for Standard Magnetic Compasses must measure up to standard and be approved by Party A beforehand;

(3) For promotional purposes, Party B shall prepare samples of Standard Magnetic Compass at any time and send them to foreign Buyers appointed by Party A, all parts and materials required would be supplied by Party A;

14. This contract shall be made in triplicate, Party A and Party B shall, after both signing all copies, retain one copy and submit one to authorities concerned in__________________(place) for registration.


Signed By:______(Manager) Signed By:______(Manager)


1. processing 加工的,处理的

commission processing contract 委托加工合同

order processing 订单处理

processing agreement 加工协议

process 加工,处理


All Standard Magnetic Compasses processed by Party B shall be shipped to the foreign buyers appointed by Party A at any time. 加工后的标准磁罗经,乙方应随时运交给甲方指定的国外买方。

2. except 除外,除……以外。英语合同中 except或except as 引导的句子常用来表达“除非另有规定/约定”,unless, unless otherwise, save放在句首都可以用来表示“除非另有规定/约定”。


Except where otherwise provided in the contract, the amount due and payable to the contract or for the performance of the services shall be inclusive of all costs of staff, facilities, equipment, materials and all other expenses whatsoever incurred by the contract in discharging his obligation under the contract. 除非本合同另有规定,因承包商履行合同规定服务的到期应付款应包括承包商履行本合同义务中发生的人员、设施、设备、建材费用及其他所有费用。

Except as provided in Article 14 of this Law, any entity or individual exploiting the patent of another must conclude a written contract with the patentee and pay the patentee a fee for the exploitation of its or his paten.
