

Thoughts on International Women's Day

Guidance for Reciting

Scientists have been guilty of over-emphasizing *** differences. There are differences. Ignoring them is foolish,and exaggerating them is dangerous. But that doesn't mean that society shouldn't treat the genders equally.

This is supposed to be an enlightened age,but you wouldn't think so if only you could hear what the average man thinks of the average woman. Women won their independence years ago. After a long,bitter struggle,they now enjoy the same educational opportunities as men in most parts of the world. They have proved repeatedly that they are equal and often superior to men in almost every field. The hard-fought battle for recognition has been won,but it is through no means over. It is men,not women who still carry on the *** war because their attitude remains basically hostile. Even in the most progressive societies,women continue to be regarded as second-rate citizens. To hear some men talk,you'd think that women belonged to a different species!


1.enlightened [in5lait(E)nd] a. 被启发的,进步的,文明的

2.hostile [5hCstail] a. 怀敌意的,敌对的

3.species [5spi:Fi:z] n. 物种,种类






流行观点认为男人和女人心理上的差异很大,我们经常可以在一些书中看到这样的观点,其中比较有影响的是John Gray创作的Men are from Mars,women are from Venus (《男人来自火星,女人来自金星》)。但是,男人和女人可终究是来自同一个星球。美国一位心理学家说两性之间并不像大家所认为的差距那么大。她说研究表明男人和女人在个性、交流和领导能力等方面非常接近。