

To Know or to Feel?

Guidance for Reciting

This paragraph can be used as a strong proof against the abnormal phenomenon in China that Chinese children are thrust upon too much learning pressure too early.

I sincerely believe that for the child,and for the parent seeking to guide him,it is not half so important to know as to feel. If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom,then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow. The years of early childhood are the time to prepare the soil. Once the emotions have been aroused―a sense of the beautiful,the excitement of the new and the unknown,a feeling of sympathy,pity,admiration or love―then we wish for knowledge about the object of our emotional response. Once found,it has lasting meaning. It is more important to pave the way for the child to want to know than to put him on a diet of facts he is not ready to assimilate.


1.pave the way(for sb/sth)为……铺平道路

2.assimilate [E5simileit] vt.使同化,吸收,使相似,把……比作





注:雷切尔?卡森(Rachel Carson 1907―1964)是当代生态文学的创始人,美国生物学评论家、科学杂志撰稿人,也是整个生态思潮和环境运动的肇始者。她的著作《寂静的春天》促使全世界注意农药造成的环境污染问题。本段选自卡森专门写的一本小书《神奇的感觉》(The Sense of Wonder,1956),用以记叙她领着年幼的外甥在缅因的海边树林度过的无数快乐时光,论述自然的神奇感在儿童教育中的作用,论证她多次强调的道理:对于理解自然,“感觉”(sense或feel)比“认识”(know)更重要。如她所言:“只有最灵敏的耳朵,才听得见一只寄居蟹拖着它的壳屋,在水线上方沙滩上行走的声音;也才辨别得出一只小虾被鱼群追赶,匆忙上岸时抖落一身小水珠,在水面跌出的叮咚声。”