
第30章 老外最关注的发生在上海的重要事件(3)

The Chinese Grand Prix attracted 260,000 spectators in its inaugural year in 2004 with a slight 10,000 increase in 2005, but attendance has since declined with 155,000 attending in 2010. On Feb 18, 2011 Reuters reported from the Chinese Grand Prix organizers that Shanghai has extended the deal to host the Chinese Grand Prix to 2018 despite falling attendance. Shanghai Sports Bureau that he suggested the situation can improve in the following years by lowering the ticket cost. Reuters reported prices for prime seats range would decrease from 3,580-3,980 yuan in 2010 to 1,980-3,280 yuan in 2011. On the same day, AFP reported that the Shanghai government will open a subway line to the race track to boost spectator numbers.




1.formula [?f??mjul?] n. 公式;准则;方案

例:Use the formula to calculate the volume of the container.


2.sanction[?s??k??n] n. 制裁;处罚;批准

例:Prison is the best sanction against a crime like this. 为遏止这类罪行,监禁手段是上策。

3.designate[?deziɡneit]v. 指明,指出;指派adj. 指定而未上任的

例:There are efforts under way to designate the bridge a historic landmark.人们正在努力将这座桥定为历史遗迹。

4.comply [k?m?plai] v. 遵从;依从

例:They refused to comply with the UN resolution.


5.consist [k?n?sist] v. 由…组成;在于

例:The atmosphere consists of more than 70% of nitrogen.大气中含有 70%以上的氮气。

6.throughout [θru(?)?aut] prep.(表示时间)自始至终,在…期间内adv. 处处

例:He maintained a professional demeanour throughout.他始终保持着专业人才的风度。

7.circuit [?s??kit] n. 电路;线路;电流

例:Where does this line tie in with the main circuit?


8.evaluate[i?v?ljueit] vt.评价,评估

例:Don't evaluate a person on the basis of appearance.不要以相貌取人。

9.track [tr?k] n. 小路;小道vt. 跟踪,监看

例:The boy was electrocuted when he wandered onto a railway track.


10.venue [?venju?] n. 案发地点;会场

例:The Grand Hotel, the venue of this week's talks, is packed out.作为本周会谈场址的格兰德大饭店已经客满。

11.prix[pri?] n. 奖金,价格

例:The grand prix is controlled by well-trained marshals.大奖赛由训练有素的典礼官协调指挥。

12.inaugural[i?n??ɡjur?l]adj. 就职的,就任的n. 就职典礼;就职演说

例:We listened to the President's inaugural speech on the radio yesterday.昨天我们通过无线电听了总统的就职演说。

13.attendance [??tend?ns] n. 出席,参加;出席率

例:Attendance on the course is purely voluntary.听这门课纯粹是自愿的。

13.director[di?rekt?]n. 主管,主任,董事

例:He served on the board of directors of a local bank.


14.bureau[bju??r?u,?bju?r?u]n. 局;书桌

例:FBI demands its employees of absolute allegiance to this bureau.联邦调查局要求其雇员对该局绝对忠诚。

15.suggest [s??d?est]vt. 建议,提议;暗示

例 I am quite willing to fall in with anything you suggest.不管你建议什么,我都愿意支持。

16.race[reis] n. 种族;比赛

例:The race ended with eight laps of a city centre circuit.比赛以环绕城中心跑八圈结束。


例:The cut in interest rates will give a further boost to the economy.



A:Boys are always interested in sports like basketball, football, etc. what do you like?


B: I like car racing.我喜欢赛车。

A: Do you mean Formular One?


B: Yes. You know when I race, I feel I am full of energy.是的,你知道吗,当我赛车的时候,我觉得自己精神充沛。

A: I can tell that you are totally attracted by it.我能看出来你完全被赛车吸引了。

B:I think it is really cool. You know what Han han is also racing.我觉得赛车很酷啊,你知道吗,韩寒也在开赛车。

A: I know a little about it.


B: You must also know Jimmy Lin who is a pro race driver.




林志颖是演艺圈里唯一一位职业赛车手(Pro Race Driver),也是台湾第一位授薪职业赛车手。他曾经一年内四次刷新台湾龙潭Super Car最快单圈记录,并创下台湾超级跑车赛年度冠军四连胜的记录。作为国内少有的全能赛车手,他在中国拉力赛(rally race)中跻身中国拉力车手N组年度排名八强;他在方程式赛中的成绩则更为突出,于中国雷诺方程式赛场上屡屡夺冠,2005年,作为代纳10方程式车队主力车手,林志颖代表该队出战亚洲雷诺方程式(Formula Renault),夺得第5,成为该赛次中为中国车队飚得最高成绩的车手,为国争光。1997年迄今从事赛车事业,夺得各项大小比赛17座冠军奖杯。